一块地, fee simple, 上面有栋房子。 但是Shared drive way.
想知道以后房主想要推到旧房盖新房的话,邻居(们)有没有可能反对, 下面是Title里面的Interests部分,能看出来吗?(记得有大神讲过媒体也报道过,有的right of way协议上是有条件的,ie在某种条件下才可以使用right of way)
对了,又看一下,“Fee Simple - 1/2 share”是cross lease 的意思吗? 不是free hold?
Appurtenant hereto are rights of way created by Transfer 588742 (Affects Fee Simple)
Subject to a right of way over part coloured sepia on DP 43465 created by Transfer 588742 (Affects Fee Simple)
Appurtenant hereto is a drainage right created by Transfer 75807 (Affects Fee Simple)
B158334.1 Lease of Flat 1 Plan 97951 Composite CT NA53B/1091 issued (Affects Fee Simple)
Land Covenant in Lease B158334.1 (Affects Fee Simple)
B215226.1 Lease of Flat 2 DP 100244 for a space of 999 years as from and including 10.3.1983 Composite CT
NA54C/983 issued - 15.9.1983 at 9.23 am (Affects Fee Simple)
Land Covenant in Lease B215226.1 - 15.9.1983 at 9.23 am (Affects Fee Simple)