
标题: 100万的预算要怎么买房啊?刚需! [打印本页]

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-23 13:27:56     标题: 100万的预算要怎么买房啊?刚需!

家有学龄儿童,买房需要考虑孩子上学的事情,目前在Mt Eden租房,孩子也在这边入学。可是这边只能买的起unit,如果去其他地方买房子孩子就要转学,是不是不太好啊?


1. 100万的预算买unit好像有点多,剩下10万20万的啥也干不了
2. 房子10年后肯定会卖掉,unit的升值潜力是不是不如house大?
3. 如果买house,肯定要面临转学的问题,我对学校不是很挑剔,但为什么那么多高中都是2分3分的,这也有点太低了吧?



作者: 0222999999    时间: 2016-8-23 13:43:19


我们家一邻居,自己在别处买的房,还不止一处. 但为了好学校,租住了许多年.
作者: mimisa    时间: 2016-8-23 14:01:32

作者: aniceguy    时间: 2016-8-23 14:05:00

作者: 小莹子    时间: 2016-8-23 14:12:19

作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-23 14:18:27

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-23 14:27:52

0222999999 发表于 2016-8-23 12:43

我们家一邻居,自己在别处买的房,还不止一处. 但为了好学校,租住了许多年. ...

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-23 14:29:50

ybbest 发表于 2016-8-23 13:18
其实和现在校区房的价格比的话,私 ...

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-23 14:30:43

mimisa 发表于 2016-8-23 13:01

作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-23 14:35:20

本帖最后由 ybbest 于 2016-8-23 13:38 编辑
jojo82325 发表于 2016-8-23 13:29
我家是男孩,我只知道king‘s,但那附近的房子也超贵啊,买不起,又不想买太远,早高峰送孩子上学也麻烦 ...

ACG Sunderland , 地址在Henderson。
ACG Strathallan , 地址在Papakura
2 Schools on the shore , but house prices there are very expensive too.

作者: 0222999999    时间: 2016-8-23 14:35:53

jojo82325 发表于 2016-8-23 13:27

作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-23 14:38:56

0222999999 发表于 2016-8-23 13:35

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-23 14:42:07

0222999999 发表于 2016-8-23 13:35

作者: clam    时间: 2016-8-23 15:08:52

唸kings 住哪裡都行啊, 那是private school

100萬, 要是我的話買兩個unit收租自己再租校區........ just my opinion, doesn't suit everyone
作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-23 15:15:01

clam 发表于 2016-8-23 14:08
唸kings 住哪裡都行啊, 那是private school

100萬, 要是我的話買兩個unit收租自己再租校區........ just m ...

作者: linda.ljhooker    时间: 2016-8-23 15:58:04

楼主可以和我联系。我们公司有在Three Kings小学校网,Mt Roskill Grammar 校网的房子,本周末拍卖。
作者: 猩猩都叫兽    时间: 2016-8-23 16:04:48

最简单的就是买个自己喜欢的房子,在预算范围内,出租.然后拿那个租金继续租住现在的房子.这样钱不会在银行里贬值,而且学校继续上.将来毕业了,再回去自己的房子住,也省得卖校区房了. 校区的租金真不一定比不是的贵, 即使条件差不多,可能每周也就百十刀的差距.等于1年花5000块钱上好学校.
作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 11:03:06

ybbest 发表于 2016-8-23 13:18
其实和现在校区房的价格比的话,私 ...

If you buy a house let's say 2 million nzd 2016 in epsom, you might sell the same price or more around 10 years later 2026. That is free tuition vs private school which costs nzd20k per year.

I think the teacher works in private school get around similar salary maybe 5% more compare to public school. I doubt the students studying in private school will have advantages.
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-8-24 11:08:58

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 10:03
If you buy a house let's say 2 million nzd 2016 in epsom, you might sell the same price or more ar ...

作者: 小莹子    时间: 2016-8-24 11:29:13

love_3_month 发表于 2016-8-24 10:08
你觉得同一个老师教20个学生和15个学生和10个学生,效果会不会不同。。。 ...

作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 11:31:15

love_3_month 发表于 2016-8-24 10:08
你觉得同一个老师教20个学生和15个学生和10个学生,效果会不会不同。。。 ...

Thank you for your reply

I doubt what you said.

I studied in public ordinary schools in shanghai, china and I have classmates around 40 to 50 for around 16 years and I managed to get in 10% high salary nz population around year 2000.
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-8-24 11:43:02

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 10:31
Thank you for your reply

I doubt what you said.

你的比较似乎有点奇怪,因为比较的是 中国的大班教育 vs 新西兰的小班教育,而不是你所说的私校和公校之比,更不是我说的大班和小班的区别。

所以,我是不是可以用你的逻辑,说中国 / 上海 / 40/50人的班级的学生,在讨论问题的时候都喜欢跑题,逻辑不清,是因为中国 / 上海 / 40/50人的班级的问题呢? - 当然我是在开玩笑。


这也只是我的个人理解,不然没法解释私校和最好公校的 成绩差距。
作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 11:47:50

本帖最后由 liuruihua 于 2016-8-24 11:17 编辑
love_3_month 发表于 2016-8-24 10:43
你的比较似乎有点奇怪,因为比较的是 中国的大班教育 vs 新西兰的小班教育,而不是你所说的私校和公校之 ...

You are off topic too from the post if you read the post title :-)
I think that I am on topic what you are discussing. You are saying the class size make a difference to the student. That is exactly what I am arguing. Why do country make a difference to your argument? Do you mean that third world country china's large class in state funding education is better than developed country nz's private school's small class? I am saying it is irrelevant to the class size.

I doubt the number make any difference. If that is the case, you really need to spend some money to hire a teacher yourself. This way you get 1:1 ratio instead of 1:10 ratio in private school. :-)

4: Make up for any deficiencies in academic talent.

Private tutoring varies wildly but many advertise their services for around $40 an hour. Five hours of tutoring a week across the 40 weeks of the school year will set you back $8000.

Maybe you can move to a remote area where there are not lots of students. I read an article to say one area there is only one student and one teacher in nz. Will you live there?

Here is an article talking about private school

I think the only thing nice about private school is that you get your kids into the rich kids circle and once in their 20s, it is easier for them to do business as they grow up together and know each other and maybe they are friends. But there is other way to get into rich's circle i.e. joining a golf club and play golf together which is far cheaper than go to private school and you don't need to guess who is rich or not. :-)

作者: GreatCursER    时间: 2016-8-24 12:08:45

私校教师比公校教师工资平均高大概10% 可能水平差不多
作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-24 12:10:05

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 10:03
If you buy a house let's say 2 million nzd 2016 in epsom, you might sell the same price or more ar ...

Totally agree with you , however LZ does not have 2 million dollars. I myself cannot afford a 2 million dollars in epsom. But sending kids to a private school is an option if you live in west Auckland.

作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 12:13:41

ybbest 发表于 2016-8-24 11:10
Totally agree with you , however LZ does not have 2 million dollars. I myself cannot afford a 2 mi ...

The median house price in auckland is one million dollars and that is a just normal house. The person buying the house still need to pay mortgage which will be around nzd30k per year I guess and I am not sure someone will spend 30k nzd on kid's private school per year.
作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 12:15:06

本帖最后由 liuruihua 于 2016-8-24 11:18 编辑
GreatCursER 发表于 2016-8-24 11:08
私校教师比公校教师工资平均高大概10% 可能水平差不多

Thanks for the information.

That proves what I said there is not much difference on the teacher's side. :-)
作者: 小莹子    时间: 2016-8-24 12:15:25

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 10:03
If you buy a house let's say 2 million nzd 2016 in epsom, you might sell the same price or more ar ...

作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-24 12:18:01

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 10:31
Thank you for your reply

I doubt what you said.


送私校不一定代表就一定比公立要好,也并不代表不好。你说的买房,投资, 这和送孩子上那个学校没啥关系。
作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-24 12:20:23

本帖最后由 ybbest 于 2016-8-24 11:22 编辑
liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 11:13
The median house price in auckland is one million dollars and that is a just normal house. The pers ...

都像你这样想,私立学校不都破产了。每个人的情况不同,做出的决定没有可比性的。我只是给楼主一个建议,这也是一个选择。一年的学费没有那么高,一般只有上了高中才会在20k 一年,小学,初中一般都在13k-15k一年。
作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 12:21:09

ybbest 发表于 2016-8-24 11:18
你不用想着非要让别人接受你的观点,送私校和公立学校是家长的选择。没有对错,只有家长觉得适不适合孩子 ...

As you mentioned about private school as a way, I thought it is better to share my view to see if it is worth to study in private school.

作者: 小莹子    时间: 2016-8-24 12:21:33

ybbest 发表于 2016-8-24 11:18
你不用想着非要让别人接受你的观点,送私校和公立学校是家长的选择。没有对错,只有家长觉得适不适合孩子 ...

作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-24 12:22:56

100w的unit 应该住着挺舒服的了               
作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 12:24:47

本帖最后由 liuruihua 于 2016-8-24 11:43 编辑
ybbest 发表于 2016-8-24 11:20
都像你这样想,私立学校不都破产了。每个人的情况不同,做出的决定没有可比性的。 ...

Yes, everyone is unique.

Otherwise everyone will think about the same thing and do the same job and earns the same salary and live in the house with same value and eat same stuff etc. :-)
People need to think about their situation before make a decision to buy a school zone house or go to private school. Before making a decision, a healthy discussion is needed to consider pro's and con's.

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-8-24 13:57:29

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 10:47
You are off topic too from the post if you read the post title :-)
I think that I am on topic what  ...




作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 14:02:27

love_3_month 发表于 2016-8-24 12:57
不知道你学过统计没有,多因素影响结果,要一个个的判断各个因素的影响,就要先保持其他因素不变,而不是 ...

If you try to argue with me, it is better that you read the url I quoted.

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifest ... p;objectid=11576894
Research from the OECD's programme for international student assessment (PISA) suggests that private schools perform better academically than public schools as a whole, but not better than public schools with student populations from similar socio-economic backgrounds.

That says "but not better than public schools with student populations from similar socio-economic backgrounds."

You see, no difference.
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-8-24 14:15:10

liuruihua 发表于 2016-8-24 13:02
If you try to argue with me, it is better that you read the url I quoted.

http://www.nzherald.co. ...



Research from the OECD's programme for international student assessment (PISA) suggests that private schools perform better academically than public schools as a whole, but not better than public schools with student populations from similar socio-economic backgrounds.

New Zealand academic results show that, on average, private schools outperform public schools of the same decile level. Eighty-seven per cent of leavers from decile 10 private schools achieved the equivalent of NCEA level 3 or above in 2014, compared with 70 per cent from decile 10 public schools.


2. 你的这个论据我给90分,比之前上海那个强多啦。怪不得收入进前10%

作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-24 15:12:21

love_3_month 发表于 2016-8-24 13:15


Thank you

I assume 87% vs 70% is around the same from statics point of view compare to paying extra 30k nzd per year. :-)

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-8-24 22:54:26

作者: 小莹子    时间: 2016-8-25 10:02:34

jojo82325 发表于 2016-8-24 21:54
晕,大家的讨论我已经看不懂了,今天看了全校网的unit,70万没有院子,只有一个车位,阳光也一般,房子只有 ...

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-8-25 12:00:03

jojo82325 发表于 2016-8-24 21:54
晕,大家的讨论我已经看不懂了,今天看了全校网的unit,70万没有院子,只有一个车位,阳光也一般,房子只有 ...

三口之家,孩子小的话,100万买个三房 300-400的地应该不难吧,很多选择啊
作者: ybbest    时间: 2016-8-26 09:55:24

jojo82325 发表于 2016-8-24 21:54
晕,大家的讨论我已经看不懂了,今天看了全校网的unit,70万没有院子,只有一个车位,阳光也一般,房子只有 ...

How to save $300k when choosing a school
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/acg/ne ... p;objectid=11699367

作者: liuruihua    时间: 2016-8-26 10:21:14

本帖最后由 liuruihua 于 2016-8-26 09:24 编辑
ybbest 发表于 2016-8-26 08:55
How to save $300k when choosing a school
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/acg/news/article.c ...

Let's talk about that article.

over the life of a 20-year mortgage, at a fixed mortgage rate of 6.5 per cent,

If you manage not to pay 20 year term and shorten the period, you can save a lot of interest. And the interest is quite high quoted in the article. If we look worldwide, the global economy might stay low for a long time, this might mean the interest will stay around 5% for a long time. That will render the article figure quite different.

The article forgot to mention that you do not need to own the house forever, you can sell it once your kids finish school and you can get back money hopefully. Because there might be another family waiting getting into the school zone. Without considering interest, you can get a free 10 score school zone education :-) If you pay private school, once finish school, the school fee money is well spent. :-)

I am not a real estate agent and I do not live in 10 score school zone. I just want to get into 10 score school zone for kids education.

作者: peewee    时间: 2016-9-9 10:09:29

jojo82325 发表于 2016-8-23 13:29
我家是男孩,我只知道king‘s,但那附近的房子也超贵啊,买不起,又不想买太远,早高峰送孩子上学也麻烦 ...

天主教会学校也很 不错的

作者: Stella1000    时间: 2016-9-9 10:32:57

有一百万的预算,建议你不妨在西区的 TE ATATU 半岛试一试运气!你有可能找到三居室带车库的全幅地!
作者: Stella1000    时间: 2016-9-9 10:35:59



作者: Stella1000    时间: 2016-9-9 10:41:48


看一看2015新西兰高中各类奖学金的获得者中有几位是来自西区半岛的 Rutherford College.

作者: Stella1000    时间: 2016-9-9 16:34:47


https://www.barfoot.co.nz/575559    卖了97.1万
https://www.barfoot.co.nz/578169    卖了98万
https://www.barfoot.co.nz/575015    卖了101万
http://rwteatatu.co.nz/waitakere-city/te-atatu-peninsula/1484286/   卖了95万

作者: 西区Sophie孙微    时间: 2016-9-14 11:12:07

请联系我west harbour买卖房屋专家
作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-9-14 14:15:06

Stella1000 发表于 2016-9-9 15:34


作者: Stella1000    时间: 2016-9-14 15:16:55

本帖最后由 Stella1000 于 2016-9-14 17:38 编辑
jojo82325 发表于 2016-9-14 13:15
好像看明白点了,大家都推荐半岛是因为这个价格可以买到全幅地是吧?我看你发这个房子地都很大,小学也很 ...

半岛上有两个公立小学,Matipo School 和 Peninsula Primary School都不错,走路上学只需几分钟,半岛就那么大的地方,哪需要走几公里???




作者: linjiawei0108    时间: 2016-9-14 15:39:07

猩猩都叫兽 发表于 2016-8-23 15:04
最简单的就是买个自己喜欢的房子,在预算范围内,出租.然后拿那个租金继续租住现在的房子.这样钱不会在银行里 ...

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-9-14 16:46:59

jojo82325 发表于 2016-9-14 13:15
好像看明白点了,大家都推荐半岛是因为这个价格可以买到全幅地是吧?我看你发这个房子地都很大,小学也很 ...



作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-9-14 21:42:05

Stella1000 发表于 2016-9-14 14:16
半岛上有两个公立小学,Matipo School 和 Peninsula Primary School都不错,走路上学只需几分钟,半岛就 ...


第一套房子小学是St Paul‘s School,4.3公里
第二套和第三套房子有两个对应的小学,分别是Peninsula Primary School和St Paul‘s School,这两个房子距离St Paul‘s School都超过了4公里。至于Peninsula Primary School,黑羊显示毛岛比例近50%。我承认我有偏见,但是华人有偏见的也不是我一个,这没什么好掩饰了。我不排除这个小学有我不知道的优点,但至少从人口构成这块我不认为是个好学校。至于Matipo School,因为你推荐的房子都没有划到这个学校,所以我不太清楚,也没有去查。

作者: jojo82325    时间: 2016-9-14 21:42:59

本帖最后由 jojo82325 于 2016-9-14 20:46 编辑
love_3_month 发表于 2016-9-14 15:46

。。。。。。。。。。 ...

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-9-14 22:09:16

jojo82325 发表于 2016-9-14 20:42
可能是因为我对这个地区不了解,目前查到的房子,的确距离小学4公里以上,可能是有更近的小学我没有查到吧 ...


作者: Stella1000    时间: 2016-9-15 20:33:42

jojo82325 发表于 2016-9-14 13:15
好像看明白点了,大家都推荐半岛是因为这个价格可以买到全幅地是吧?我看你发这个房子地都很大,小学也很 ...

http://www.trademe.co.nz/propert ... tion-1153416211.htm

作者: www.liang    时间: 2016-9-22 00:05:04

作者: ann!nio    时间: 2016-9-22 00:43:01

www.liang 发表于 2016-9-21 23:05

作者: GreatCursER    时间: 2016-9-22 11:03:35

这两个房子距离St Paul‘s School都超过了4公里。至于Peninsula Primary School,黑羊显示毛岛比例近50%

这样看的确不太好. 真是多谢黑羊系统呢。

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