
标题: fence 板防腐级别如何签别? [打印本页]

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 16:14:57     标题: fence 板防腐级别如何签别?

作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-12 16:41:25

是用途不同,  不是一次两次。
作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 16:49:01

Quad 发表于 2016-8-12 15:41
是用途不同,  不是一次两次。

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 16:49:01

Quad 发表于 2016-8-12 15:41
是用途不同,  不是一次两次。

作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-12 16:49:42

Treated to hazard class H3.1        External use with a three-coat paint finish to protect from direct wetting of timber        External use with a three-coat paint protection system or use within a 20 mm nominal E2/AS1 drained and vented cavity

Not suitable for direct exposure of timber to the weather or for stained finishes       
LOSP (azole, TBTO, TBTN or CuN)


Copper azole


LOSP H3.1 azole can be used for LVL

Amendment 7 to B2/AS1 does not allow the use of H3.1 LOSP TBTO, TBTN or IPBC treated timber for framing

Fascias, weatherboards, facings and other painted trim requiring a not less than 15-year durability

Exterior joinery and timber reveals for aluminium windows

Timber cavity battens

Treated to hazard class H3.2        External use        Suitable for exposure to weather but not in-ground contact.

Not less than 15-year durability except enclosed deck framing, which requires a not less than 50-year durability
Copper quaternary (including micronized copper quaternary)
Copper azole (including micronized copper azole)

Amendment 7 to B2/AS1 does not allow the use of LOSP CuN for framing
Cantilevered enclosed deck joists and associated framing (joist trimmers, nogs, dwangs and blocking), decking and outdoor structures, rafters exposed to the weather, uncoated or stained radiata pine weatherboards and trim, fence rails and palings
作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-12 16:50:19

Treated to hazard class H3.2        External use        Suitable for exposure to weather but not in-ground contact.

Not less than 15-year durability except enclosed deck framing, which requires a not less than 50-year durability
Copper quaternary (including micronized copper quaternary)
Copper azole (including micronized copper azole)

Amendment 7 to B2/AS1 does not allow the use of LOSP CuN for framing
Cantilevered enclosed deck joists and associated framing (joist trimmers, nogs, dwangs and blocking), decking and outdoor structures, rafters exposed to the weather, uncoated or stained radiata pine weatherboards and trim, fence rails and palings
作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-12 17:00:53

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 17:01:52

Quad 发表于 2016-8-12 15:49
Treated to hazard class H3.1        External use with a three-coat paint finish to protect from direct wett ...

作者: Bearonrun    时间: 2016-8-12 17:02:12

本帖最后由 Bearonrun 于 2016-8-12 16:37 编辑

可能蓄水的建筑部分需H3.2木材, 接地的用H4。其余的H3或以上就可以了,通常Fence木材属于此类。
作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-12 17:02:51

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 17:10:16

Bearonrun 发表于 2016-8-12 16:02
可能蓄水的建筑部分需H3.2木材。其余的H3或以上就可以了,通常Fence木材属于此类。 ...

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 17:19:53

本帖最后由 踏歌 于 2016-8-12 16:24 编辑
Quad 发表于 2016-8-12 16:02

作者: Bearonrun    时间: 2016-8-12 17:25:32

踏歌 发表于 2016-8-12 16:10

接地h4, 其余部分h3以上就可以了,除非Fence设计很特别,有可能导致Water Entrapment:如蓄水, 或 湿气无法去除等。
作者: Bearonrun    时间: 2016-8-12 17:35:37

本帖最后由 Bearonrun 于 2016-8-12 16:38 编辑
Quad 发表于 2016-8-12 16:02

来自新西兰国标表格 (如下) + Carter Holt Harvey 手册(员工用)。



作者: Quad    时间: 2016-8-12 17:36:50

Bearonrun 发表于 2016-8-12 16:35
来自新西兰国标表格 (如下) + Carter Holt Harvey 手册(员工用)。

作者: Bearonrun    时间: 2016-8-12 17:45:10

踏歌 发表于 2016-8-12 16:19
我家fence前两天让一人给坑了,18根桩只用了60公斤水泥40公斤一袋的只用了一袋半。现在要换人重做。现在 ...

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 17:52:56

Bearonrun 发表于 2016-8-12 16:25
接地h4, 其余部分h3以上就可以了,除非Fence设计很特别,有可能导致Water Entrapment:如蓄水, 或 湿气 ...

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 17:54:30

Bearonrun 发表于 2016-8-12 16:45

作者: 踏歌    时间: 2016-8-12 17:56:53

Quad 发表于 2016-8-12 16:36


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