重点:虽然是full,可TM的有个condition,临时驾照会在condition ”Must be accompanied by supervisior(except moped/ATV)"前面打勾,正式驾照在背面,左上角conditions会注明:”Must be accompanied by supv(except moped/ATV)"。有了这个condition,结果就跟learner差不多了,最主要的区别就是不用贴L标志。。
come to a complete stop (do not just slow down)
stop where you can see vehicles coming from all directions
stay stopped until you have given way to all other vehicles (this includes cycles and motorcycles, etc)
if you and another vehicle are both facing Stop signs, use the give way rules (see The give way rules)
you must not go until it is safe.作者: Eastpark 时间: 2016-8-3 22:15:11