A former market garden with a 1920s brick and tile home and overgrown glasshouses in Mangere sold at auction this week for $4.7 million - almost $3.5m over its council valuation.
Twenty-two groups registered to bid on the flat, sunny 1.163 hectare Favona site at auction - and most were developers looking to make a pretty penny.
The large site has space for 25 houses, which could rise to 35 under proposed Unitary Plan changes.
With a median value of $622,000 per home the value of the site would be upward of $21m - not taking into account build or development costs.
.............. 作者: clam 时间: 2016-7-17 12:40:02
not taking into account build and development cost....作者: salesonline 时间: 2016-7-17 12:43:28