
标题: ZT:哎呀呀,这样的话,移民人数还能减少吗? [打印本页]

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-14 20:07:49     标题: ZT:哎呀呀,这样的话,移民人数还能减少吗?



Why everyone wants to move to New Zealand

Everyone seems to want to move to New Zealand, or is at least looking into the possibility.

Earlier this week US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg told the New York Times if Donald Trump became President she would move to New Zealand.

Ginsburg's not the first from the US, notably Billy Crystal has also mentioned his interest in the move if Trump is victorious.

And it doesn't end there, fears of a future President Trump led to a spike in interest with Americans googling "move to New Zealand" this month.

Colorado and Washington were the two states most actively looking into the move.

In the United Kingdom, it's Brexit and not Trump that's leading people to New Zealand.

On June 24 the UK's own "move to New Zealand" search peaked 24 hours after the EU referendum, and merely hours after the discovery Brexit wiped $2 trillion off global markets.

In the UK, New Zealand was first choice for residents of Southampton, shown by Google News Lab's Simon Rogers for Citylab.com.

Helping New Zealand's image was an article by the Huffington Post that mentioned our "out of control" gorgeous beaches and mountains, how Wellington is (relatively) cheap for expats, our friendly locals, our hobbits, our great national parks, our "many, many sheep", our exceptional coffee, rugby in general and all our ancient natural wonders.

Along with this travel bloggers Luca and Lisa Barber have pushed New Zealand forward with their blog "Barbers Go Global", documenting their time in New Zealand since leaving their jobs in the US.

The pair have spoken through their blog about Luca's love for Narnia, asked New Zealand not to change in a warm open letter, and talked about the overwhelming kindness of kiwis.

Alongside the political dramas in the Southern Hemisphere the number of Australians coming to New Zealand has also risen.

Uncertainties with the future of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull might be behind why Australia is losing 25,700 Australians to New Zealand while only 23,951 New Zealanders are jumping back over the ditch - a net gain of 1700 Australians.

作者: pategao    时间: 2016-7-14 20:13:12

作者: ThinkOutLoud    时间: 2016-7-14 20:45:30

文章作者的yy,大部分美国人连new zealand怎么拼都不知道
作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 21:02:37

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 21:04:41

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 21:05:51

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作者: cliang    时间: 2016-7-14 21:08:09

乱写,人家的意思是宁可发配边疆也不想Trump 当总统,新西兰人自我感觉还挺良好的
作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-14 21:43:57

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作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-14 21:44:36

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作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-14 21:45:50

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 21:47:55

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 21:49:44

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 21:51:50

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作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-14 21:52:13

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作者: jsmith2    时间: 2016-7-14 22:43:29

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 20:05

下次記得投 labour 囉
作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 22:47:36

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 22:48:56

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作者: jsmith2    时间: 2016-7-14 22:51:29

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 21:48
我對NZ投票已經沒啥興趣,除非取消讓PR投票這種賣國的政策(而且還舉世無雙 美國澳洲都沒聽說PR能投票的) ...

作者: clam    时间: 2016-7-14 22:54:59

我在美國公司上班.... 跟本很多美國人都不知道新西蘭是獨立的.... 還以為是澳洲的一部份.........
因為在美國公司上班, 所以在美國工作過一段時間, 我覺得美國人不會喜歡這邊啊, 要去也去canada或australia...

作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 22:59:30

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作者: clam    时间: 2016-7-14 23:04:56

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 21:59
其實某種意義上也沒講錯,畢竟NZ citizen去澳洲除了不能領救濟(我想正常的上班族終生都沒有此需求吧)其他 ...

NZ Herald 太看得起NZ 了..

跟本沒那麼吸引... 特別對其他developed countries 來說...
作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-14 23:13:57

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作者: ATAE    时间: 2016-7-14 23:47:18

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-14 23:49:40

ATAE 发表于 2016-7-14 22:47

no no no,得给整个房市加温,燃烧吧。。。哈哈
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-14 23:51:09

clam 发表于 2016-7-14 21:54
我在美國公司上班.... 跟本很多美國人都不知道新西蘭是獨立的.... 還以為是澳洲的一部份.........
因為在美 ...

作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 00:14:17

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 00:15:41

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作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-15 00:19:52

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 23:15
其實有一點不喜歡NZ就是有15%的毛利人,這類似US的黑人比例,相比澳洲土著才2% ...

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-15 00:20:45

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 23:14
據NZ Herald報導現在Auckland的移民量是空前的一週800人,還嫌不夠? 恨不得房價馬上漲到200萬?那只有一 ...

炒到没啥定居的意义的时候就cash out走人咯。。。哈哈
作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 00:23:09

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 00:26:05

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作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-15 00:38:10

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 23:26
你這不是印證了香港人的蝗蟲論麼,搞壞了一個國家又去別的國家。我相信到一定程度NZ哪怕National政府還是 ...

作者: clam    时间: 2016-7-15 00:50:30

NewLynnHse 发表于 2016-7-14 22:51
哇,现在才刚开始,先来几个然后朋友圈一传开,完了,美国人开始认识新西兰的。。。然后美国黑人突然发现 ...

美國tax 很重, medical 貴


作者: fatala    时间: 2016-7-15 02:53:58

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作者: mai东西    时间: 2016-7-15 08:51:52

yche276 发表于 2016-7-14 20:43
所谓的发配边疆只是汉族小农意识的体现。白人基督教文明没这概念。要不然也就没有大航海,殖民时代了。 ...

作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 09:03:59

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 09:09:13

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作者: liu_yu_1980    时间: 2016-7-15 09:13:53

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作者: love_3_month    时间: 2016-7-15 10:07:24



年薪6万,一个人,15k income tax (NZ = 11K)
100K, single, 32K income tax (NZ = 23K)
100K, married, 22K income tax (in NZ, if both 50K, tax = 8K*2 = 16K)
150K, married (total), 41K tax. (in NZ, if 50K + 100K, tax = 8K + 23K = 31K)

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-15 11:30:04


Up to 30 dead after truck drives into crowd in France

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/ ... p;objectid=11675085
作者: 房奴甲    时间: 2016-7-15 12:40:55

fatala 发表于 2016-7-15 01:53
並非kiwi比较仁慈. 是因為土著太勇
“The Adventure sailed to New Zealand, where 10 of the crew were  ...


作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-15 13:20:09

房奴甲 发表于 2016-7-15 11:40

第一是块头没有他们大,身高上差10公分(那年头的毛利 ...

作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-15 15:47:51

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作者: xpd2000    时间: 2016-7-15 19:55:51

NewLynnHse 发表于 2016-7-14 23:20
炒到没啥定居的意义的时候就cash out走人咯。。。哈哈

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-23 19:47:44


Munich shooting: 10 dead, police say shooter acted alone
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/ ... p;objectid=11679911
作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-23 20:00:47

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作者: yche276    时间: 2016-7-23 20:01:55

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作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-23 20:04:20

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-15 08:13
為啥不立志當一個受人尊敬的creator而願意當destroyer呢,你說Chinese為啥在全世界名聲臭?這是一個需要反 ...



作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-23 20:05:16

yche276 发表于 2016-7-23 19:01

嗯,买买买,up up up
作者: BJ0108    时间: 2016-7-24 17:57:42

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-15 08:13
為啥不立志當一個受人尊敬的creator而願意當destroyer呢,你說Chinese為啥在全世界名聲臭?這是一個需要反 ...




作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2016-7-26 10:41:48


More than a dozen people dead after a knife wielding man went
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/ ... p;objectid=11681443

A knifeman has killed at least 19 people and injured 20 in Japan, according to reports.

It is believed the attacker went into a centre for disabled people in the city of Sagamihara, west of Tokyo, brandishing a knife.

Police were called to the scene at around 2.30am local time after residents saw a man armed with a knife in the grounds of the Tsukui Yamayuri Garden.

Four of the injured are said to be in a serious condition.

Local media have reported that 19 people have died and 20 were injured.

Armed police encircled the centre and arrested a man in his 20s on suspicion of murder.
作者: ThinkOutLoud    时间: 2016-7-26 10:52:03

NewLynnHse 发表于 2016-7-26 09:41

More than a dozen people dead after a knife wielding man wen ...

作者: ocean_of_sheep    时间: 2016-7-26 14:06:41

liu_yu_1980 发表于 2016-7-14 22:13
我覺得,看NZHerald有點看中共人民日報的感覺,就是官腔報喜不暴憂粉飾太平,很奇怪在NZ居然有這感覺。比 ...

Yes I have the same feeling towards NZ Herald...

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