1. How long is a new liquor licence validfor?
2. Other than in a club how long cancustomers remain on licensed premises after the licensed period has stopped? Customersmust leave the premises:
3. What are 3 responsibilities of the dutymanager or server with regard to alcohol promotions under the sale and supplyof alcohol act 2012?
(1) Customershould be informed the portion sizes of sprites where it is policy to serve alldrinks as doubles.
(2) Nosales should encourage excessive drinking.
(3) TheSSoA act also legislates against the irresponsible promotion: a. Promotingalcohol in a way that has appeal to minors. b. Advertising free alcohol ordiscounts of 25% or more.
4. State the underlying purpose of the saleand supply of alcohol act 2012. Your explanation must contain 4 key points.
a.To put in place a new system of control over the sale and supply of alcohol,that is reasonable.
b.To reform more generally the law relating to the sale, supply and consumptionof alcohol so that its effect and administration help to achieve the object ofthis act.
5. State the object of the sale and supplyof alcohol act 2012. Your explanation must contain 4 key points.
Thesale, supply, and consumption of alcohol should be undertaken safely and responsibly;and the harm caused by the excessive or inappropriate consumption of alcoholshould be minimised.
6. State 1 benefit of good hostresponsibility practice for each of the following groups.
a) Dealwith difficult situations effectively.
b) Enhancethe reputation of the business.
c) Knowthat they are in a safe environment.
d) Thenegative social and financial costs of excessive alcohol consumption arereduced.
7. Local alcohol policies are developed toaddress problems with alcohol with alcohol that have been identified by a localcommunity.
a)the act aims to give the community more input into licensing decisions bymaking LAP’s legally enforceable.
b)(1) The location of licensed promises. (2) Maximum trading hours. (3) One waydoor restrictions.
8. The alcohol regulatory and licensingauthority, the district licensing committee, licensing inspectors, the policeand community public health are responsible for the administration of the saleof alcohol legislation.
a) Explain the structure of the followingauthorities and 1 responsibility of each.
Name of organisation | structure | Responsibility |
Alcohol regulatory and licensing authority | 3 district court judges appointed by the crown 5 year team | Monitors liquor licensing at a national level |
District licensing committee | 2 appointed members and a chair person | Monitors liquor licensing at a local level |
b) explain the structure of the followingauthorities and 1 role of each in relation to unopposed and opposed applicationfor a managers certificate.
Name of organisation | structure | Role regarding unopposed & opposed applications |
Inspector | Alcohol licensing team | Issue unopposed managers certificate |
Police | Alcohol policing team | Criminal check on suitability of application |
Community public health | 2 people delegated by medical officer of health | Write a report within 15 days if they have any matters in opposition to it |
9. List 4 items, other than the fee and 3copies of the application, that must accompany the application or renewal formfor an on, off, club and/or special licence.
(1) Hostresponsibility policy
(2) Certificateof incorporation
(3) Floorplans
(4) Photographof the exterior of the premise
a) What 2 actions would an applicant needto take in order to be issued with an on, off and/or club licence?
(1) Placingpublic notices in the newspaper
(2) Displayinga notice at the premises
b) What is the minimum time before it isneeded that an application for a special licence must be received by thedistrict licensing committee?
10. Special licenses have various conditionthat pertain to the premises that require them. State 2 reasons why a licensedpremise would make an application for a special licence.
(1) Permitoff sales for events such as wine and food fairs
(2) Requirethat the holder of a manger’s certificate be present and responsible for thesale of alcohol during the event.
(3) Forevents that are taking place outside the normal permitted hours or in areas notnormally covered by the conditions of an existing licence.
11. Explain what type of licence an offlicence is
Anoff-licence allows the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption somewhereelse – so to take off the premises.
a) Describe 1 compulsory condition thatapplies to supermarkets and grocery stores that hold an off licence.
Limitthe display and promotion of alcohol to a single area.
12. Describe 2 circumstances when thepolice or a licensing inspector can make an application under the sale ansupply of alcohol act 2012 for a variation, suspension, or cancellation of aliquor licence.
(1)Sale of alcohol to minors and prohibited persons.
(2)Failure to comply with the conditions of the licence.
13. Explain what type of licence a clublicence is
Aclub licence permits the sale and consumption of alcohol at a named premise,but sale and supply is restricted to: (1) club members (2) guests of members(3) members of affiliated clubs with reciprocal visiting rights.
a) List 2 categories of people who canpurchase liquor in a licensed club.
(1) Clubmembers (2) Guests of members
14. Explain what type of licence this is
(a) Where should and on, off or clublicence be displayed?
Atthe principal entrance to the premises, which is defined as 18 marshland road.
(b) What is the designation of area for thepremises covered by this licence?
Thewhole of the interior of the premises.
(c) What are the licensed hours of tradingfor the area referred to as the entire premises?
Mondayto Sunday 7.00 am to 2.00 am the following day; except that on the Thursdaybefore good Friday; and on Easter Saturday; and on Christmas eve; and on theday before Anzac day, alcohol may only be shod between 7.00 am and 12.00midnight.
(d) List 4 condition of this licence thatrelate to host responsibility
(1) Provisionof non-alcoholic and low alcohol beverage at all times when open
(2) Provisionof food at all times when open
(3) Signsrelating to transport from the premises
(4) Signspromoting the responsible consumption of alcohol
(e) When should food and non-alcoholicbeverages be available on the premises?
Atall times when the premises are authorised to be open for the sale of alcohol
(f) What is the licence holder’sresponsibility regarding the provision of transport.
Thelicensee shall ensure that signs are prominently displayed within the licensedpremises detailing information regarding alternative forms of transport fromthe premises.
(g) What is the maximum numbers of personsallowed on the premises?
15. Name 2 groups classed as “prohibitedpersons” (people who may not be sold or supplied with alcohol) under the saleof alcohol legislation in premises under an on, off, and/or special licence
(1) Minors
(2) Intoxicatedpersons
16. Name 3 types of sign that must bedisplayed on premises covered by an on, off, and/or club licence.
(1) Copyof the licence
(2) Prohibitedpersons
(3) Hoursof business
17. List 3 criteria the district licensingcommittee take into account when deciding whether to grant an application orrenewal for a manager’s certificate.
(1) Copyof the applicant’s LCQ certificate
(2) Evidenceof other employment history including references
(3) Evidenceto support any other qualifications claimed
a) Describe the application/renewalprocedure for a manager’s certificate
(1) Applythe application form
(2) Completethe form
(3) Submitthe form
(4) Publicthe notice
18. Describe 1 responsibility of a dutymanager and 1 responsibility of a server under the sale and supply of alcoholact 2012 in regards to yourself, other staff, the licensed premises and thecustomer.
| Duty manager | Server |
Yourself | Take down your name at the end of shift | Prevent sale of liquor to minors |
Other staff | Ensure staff are aware of the law | Maintain host responsibility practices |
The licenced premises | Know how many people are on the premise | Comply with host responsibility practices |
The customer | Prevent drunk and disorderly conduct | Minimise risk of drink spiking |
a) Under the sale and supply of alcohol act2012 as a duty manager or server, what is your responsibility to the community?
(1) Ensuringcompliance with all of the legal requirements
(2) Minimisingthe possibility of any harm or potential harm resulting from the excessive orinappropriate use of alcohol
19. What specific requirement that helps toimplement the host responsibility policy does the sale and supply of alcoholact 2012 make of licensed premises with regard to staff training?
Arecord of host responsibility training is maintained
a) Explain 2 support systems an establishmentmay choose to include in its host responsibility policy or practice and how toimplement them.
System:reliable “backup” support such as a buddy system if a customer becomesaggressive
Implement:allocate a buddy at beginning of service
System:security and intervention if any situation became threatening
Implement:duty manager and security staff available immediately, police if necessary
20. List 2 instances when a temporarymanager may be appointed.
A temporarymanager may be appointed by a licensee when a certificated duty manager is:(1)sick (2)resigns
21. Name 2 acceptable forms of id
(1)NZ photographic driver’s licence
(2)NZ or overseas passport
a) Describe 2 ways you can check that idpresented is valid and/or belongs to the person presenting it.
(1) Askfor signature
(2) Feelfor holes in card where it could have been tampered with
22. When can the police or a licensinginspector enter licensed premises in relation to
(a) Matters of compliance
Anybusiness hours
(b) Matters relating to offences
23. Under what circumstances can the policeclose a licensed premise?
Thepolice may close premises if fighting or a riot breaks out in or near thepremise. They may also close premises if there is reason to believe that thereis a threat of serious disorder.
24. Use the following tables to show themaximum fines that may be imposed for breaches of the sale of alcohol act.
(a) Tick the appropriate answer in theboxes provided
Maximum fines for the manager | $2000 | $4000 | $5000 | $10000 | $20000 |
Service to minors |
| √ |
Service to intoxicated people |
| √ |
Unauthorised sale outside the condition of the licence |
| √ |
Irresponsible promotion of alcohol |
| √ |
Allowing disorderly conduct by patrons on licensed premises |
| √ |
(b) Tick the appropriate answers in theboxes provided.
Maximum fines for bar staff | $2000 | $4000 | $5000 |
Service to minors | √ |
Service to intoxicated people | √ |
25. Identify 2 offence categories under thesale and supply of alcohol act 2012 and describe 2 types of offence under each
Category:unlicensed persons and unlicensed premises
Offence:allowing unlicensed premises to be used for sale of alcohol
Offence:sales by unlicensed persons
Category:irresponsible promotion of alcohol
Offence:having special appeal to minors
Offence:advertising free alcohol
26. The sale and supply of alcohol act 2012defines intoxication
a) List 2 of the effects of a breathalcohol content level that indicates intoxication
(1)slurred speech (2) stumbling when walking
b) What effect does blood alcohol contenthave on behaviour during onset and escalated intoxication?
Onset:(1) generosity (2) over-friendly
Escalated:(1) swearing (2) uncooperative
c) Explain 2 techniques for assessing apersons’ intoxicated level
(1) Observethe customers
(2) Interpretbehaviours and situations
27. Every person’s reaction to alcohol isdifferent. Explain how age, gender, body mass and time of day influenceindividual tolerance.
Factor | Explanation |
Age | Elderly people become less tolerant of alcohol |
Gender | Women become intoxicated more quickly than men because the fat composition of their bodies is higher |
Body mass | Smaller people become intoxicated more quickly than larger people |
Time of day | People become intoxicated faster when they are tired or they haven’t eaten |
28. Explain the following 3 strategies aserver can use to prevent intoxicated:
Slowing service:
(1) Providingwater at all times
(2) Attendingto other customers first
(3) Replacingdrinks only when glasses are completely empty
(4) Waitingfor the customer to re-order drinks rather than offering re-fill
Diverting choice
(1) Activepromotion of non-alcoholic and low alcohol beverages
(2) Offeringsmaller measures
Selling alternative:
(1) Encouragingcustomers to order food
(2) Encouragingconversation rather than drinking
(3) Providingentertainment
29. Explain how the following 6 strategiesare used to refuse service to prohibited persons
Verbal communication:
Remaincalm, use the broken record technique
Body language:
Useopen, appropriate and non-threatening body language
Licensed crowd controllers:
Useif have them to effect removal safely
Trespass notice
Issuewhen you want the person to stay away from the premises for a period of time,they may be issued for up to 2 years
Callthe police to intervene
Incident book:
Recordany incident, recording the persons name if you know it
30. Other than legal requirements why it isimportant to provide:
(a) Low alcohol and non-alcoholic beverageson licensed premises?
Byproviding a good range of non and low alcoholic beverages, you are enablingyour customers to enjoy the social environment your premises has to offerwithout becoming intoxicated
(b) A range of food on licensed premises?
Slowsdown the absorption rate and another avenue for revenue.
(c) What is required by the sale and supplyof alcohol act 2012 with regard to the provision of water
Watershould always be available and must be provided free of charge
31. The liver processes alcohol at a rateof one standard drinks per hour
a) How many standard drinks per drinkingoccasion are recommended as the upper limits for safer drinking for:
men 3women 2
b) What is alcohol?
Anyfermented, distilled, or spirituous liquor that contains 1.15% or more alcoholby volume. Alcohol is a depressant drug that impairs the function of thecentral nervous system.
c) Describe 2 impacts of alcohol on thehuman body
(1) Impairingthe function of the central nervous system
(2) Slowingthe body’s normal metabolic rate
32. It is impossible for servers to make anaccurate determination as to whether a person is intoxicated through misuse ofalcohol or other drugs
Describe 4 possible effects of combiningthe consumption of alcohol with prescription or illegal drugs or synthetichighs
(1) Exaggeratethe effects of the alcohol
(2) Speedup the rate of alcohol absorption
(3) Resultin unpredictable behaviour
(4) Resultin unusual or serious physical side effects
33. Describe 4 strategies a duty managercould use to reduce the risk of drink spiking happening in their bar.
(1)using signage to increase customer awareness
(2)using lidded jug s or closed reservoirs for water
(3)ensuring that unattended drinks are collected
(4)encouraging customers to look after their friends
34. What is a manager’s responsibility inrelation to occupancy numbers on licensed premises/
(1) toknow the maximum permitted occupancy
(2)to monitor the number of patrons on their premises as the maximum occupancynumbers must not be exceeded
a) What are 2 responsibilities of a dutymanager in relation to an establishment’s emergency evacuation scheme?
Theymust know: (1) where to find a copy of their establishment’s evacuation scheme?(2) what their responsibilities are as set down in the evacuation plan?
幻光 发表于 2016-7-26 15:57
Pocwifi 发表于 2016-7-11 16:24
天龙小花 发表于 2016-7-11 16:57
sparwong 发表于 2016-9-14 12:36
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178_AZ 发表于 2022-12-13 20:32
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