when you go to the law firm to sign the loan agreement and mortgage, you will be explained:-
1) if you fail to pay the loan, the bank can mortgagee sale your property and recover any costs related to recovery, default interest ( can be 13% or more), expenses, legal costs ( bank will engage external lawyer normally expensive law firm eg Russell McVeagh) from the sales proceeds.
2) if not enough from the sales proceeds, the bank will sue you and joint borrowers, or guarantors to recover any shortfall.
3) if still not able to recover, the bank will bankrupt you and other borrowers/ guarantors named in the documents.
Any debt ( balances) still not recovered will be treated as bad debt in bank's balance sheet, which is tax deductible.
The file is then closed from bank's points of view, as your's ( and other joint borrowers and guarantors) assets and liabilities are now in the hands of an official assignee who will manage the bankrupts' estate.
In summary, "if the weather is good, the bank gives you an umbrella, the moment the weather has changed, the bank will take the umbrella away from you " There is nothing new, the normal cycle of capitalism, heyha..