How much would borrowing $15k cost in interest? (假设用来买车)
a)Borrowing on a personal loan at 12.95% over 4 years? $4298
b)Borrowing on a mortgage at 6% over 15 years? $7784
a)Borrowing on a personal loan at 12.95% over 4 years? $4298
b)Borrowing on a mortgage at 6% over 15 years? $7784 c)Borrowing on a mortgage at 6% over 15 years, but pay off the whole dedt in year 5. 如果能选a, 那就是可以在4年内还清楚,那现在选c, 就把这个钱留着不还,4年底一次性还,同时每年只还6%,不就两全其美了吗?
让这种人给普通大众做财务指导,还是Money Editor for NZ Herald, 真是误人子弟啊
While 86 per cent correctly selected the personal loan option; when matched up with actual behaviour it was found that even some of those who knew topping up the mortgage would cost them more chose it because it made their weekly payments lower.
Collins said it was a difficult decision to understand from a rational perspective.
"We found this a difficult rationale to understand, that people would choose to pay thousands of dollars in extra interest than pay off the loan quicker and get debt free."
He said it was an area where more financial literacy was needed.