Q: Who determines the objectives and constraints of the design brief by consulting with clients and stakeholders.
A: As the senior designer I am the person who deals with the clients to determine the objectives of the design brief.
Q: Who is undertaking research and analysing functional communication requirements.
A: Again I am the person who undertakes the research and analysing functional communication requirements. He comes with me to assist with the main job, he is more like an operator just putting it together rather than doing research or communication.
Q: Who is formulating design concepts for the subject to be communicated.
A: I create the design concepts with the clients and then instruct him to do the work.
Q: Who is preparing sketches, diagrams, illustrations and layouts to communicate design concepts.
A: Yes he does this based on my instruction.
Q: Who is negotiating design solutions with clients, management, sales and production staff.
A: I am doing this with my clients, if they are not happy I am the one who deals with the issues and I come up with how to fix this issues and then he does what I tell him to do.
Q: Who is Supervising or carrying out production in the chosen media.
A: I would be directing and supervising the carrying out the production, he would just be carrying out the production under my supervision.
Q: Who can archive information for future client use.
A: We all have the ability to do this, everybody can accesses and save documents for our many clients.
Based on the response from 老板 it appears he is the person who is substantially responsible for Planning, designing, developing information for publication and reproduction to achieve commercial and communication needs with particular emphasis on tailoring the message for the intended audience. It would appear that you both then prepare the designs.
Therefore INZ is currently not satisfied you have been able to demonstrate that your current employment substantially matches the description for 232411 Graphic Designer(including core tasks) as set out in the ANZSCO. Your application may not meet INZ instruction SM7.10.1.a and you may not be eligible for your claimed skilled employment points.作者: 119900 时间: 2016-6-2 21:42:09
我想问事实上究竟你老板回答的正确还是与事实有出入?我遇到和你差不多问题,不过好在我manager用了很模糊的话打发CO(我Co是因为不懂我老板回信中的行业术语,结果老板一看质疑信就打电话给co说她you dont know you dont understand……if you are not sure,why dont you phone me and bring a big trouboe巴拉巴拉的),之后我再一条条写解释信的。特别是洋人老板有时候就是实事求是,不过我倒可以给你提供点思路,你老板写解释信的时候为了不前后冲突,可以解释主要是他负责的项目但是sometimes you still get involvement (当然是基于事实的基础之上)。想办法可以挽回,或者如果回信的老板不是你的直属上司,你可以让你的直属上司再写封解释信证明回信的老板再和你沟通方面有一点信息不对称。事实上你工作中只要涉及到了这些job description肯定就解释的过,不要担心,祝好运。作者: kiwi_bird 时间: 2016-6-3 13:36:33