“Landlords and tenants can agree to end the tenancy early
Tenancies can only be changed if the landlord and all the tenants (everyone named on the tenancy agreement) agree. So if either party wants to end the fixed-term early, they can approach the others to see if they’ll agree. Any agreement should be in writing, clearly stating what’s been agreed to, and each party should keep a copy.”
2. 不好意思,我真的很抱歉。Thank you for your kindly reminding!
是的。Fixed Contract是不可以给他们90天的时间通知搬家的。
目前您能做的就是上法庭,让法官知道他们有Breach Tenancy Agreement,一定要有证据,然后法官决定to evict the tenant or not. 作者: InspireChloe 时间: 2016-5-11 18:03:50
不好意思,我真的很抱歉。Thank you for your kindly reminding!
是的。Fixed-term 租约是不可以给他们90天的时间通知搬家的。目前房东能做的就是上法庭,让法官知道他们有Breach Tenancy Agreement(一定要有证据),然后法官决定to evict the tenant or not.作者: sam物业管理公司 时间: 2016-5-12 11:49:18