
标题: 关于土地分割,这几句话什么意思? [打印本页]

作者: mandy138    时间: 2016-4-17 23:52:59     标题: 关于土地分割,这几句话什么意思?

2.Within the Mixed Housing Suburban zone a density of one dwelling per 300m² applies where:
a.the site has a frontage of at least 7.5m in width for each dwelling and is the same width for the length required to accommodate the proposed density
b.each proposed dwelling is setback at least 4m and no more than 5m from the frontage of the site.

作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2016-4-18 01:01:31

試試問問這裡的kiwi surveyors  恐怕都不一定能答出個所以來  還是等 9 10 月UP 生效後再問Council 吧  搞不好他們也要花錢找律師拿legal advice 問這句話到底是什麼意思呢  呵呵

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