Report illegal dumping
If the illegally dumped rubbish is hazardous and needs urgent attention, please phone our call centre directly on 09 301 0101 (24 hours, 7 days).
Illegal dumping is any rubbish deposited on public property by a person without Auckland Council's permission.
Illegal dumping on private property will not be removed by the council.
Dumped rubbish could consist of:
large items (e.g. a fridge or couch)
items equalling more than two black bags.
Please report litter (less than two black bags) using the contact us form.
For dumped rubbish in a park, please fill out the parks maintenance form.
When will the rubbish be removed
Illegally dumped rubbish may not be removed immediately.
Your query will be referred to the appropriate person within three working days to investigate where the rubbish came from. Offenders may be asked to remove the illegal dumping and/or be issued with an infringement notice.