During our initial assessment of this application, we have noticed that there was no evidence provided to suggest that the employer had made a genuine attempt to recruit New Zealanders or New Zealand residence class visa holders. Hence, the purpose of this email is to request that you provide the necessary documents to Immigration New Zealand.
We are requesting the evidence since it is a necessary requirement for a Work Essential Skills visa to be approved.
The Immigration policy are as follows:
WK2.10.5 Definition of 'genuine attempts'
a.For the purpose of these instructions an employer is considered to have made genuine attempts to recruit suitable New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders workers if:
i. any specifications or requirements stipulated in a job description and/or ideal person specification are restricted to those specifications or requirements necessary to perform the work on offer; and
ii. the terms and conditions specified for the work on offer are not less than those of the New Zealand market, including payment at the New Zealand market rate; and
iii. the extent and nature of advertising or use of other appropriate means of recruitment is such that any suitable New Zealand workers would apply or be likely to apply for the position(s), for example:
o listing the vacancy with Work and Income;
o advertising the vacancy in a national newspaper and/or website;
o contracting a recruitment company appropriate to the industry.
b.For the purposes of these instructions an employer is not considered to have made genuine attempts to recruit suitable New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders if:
i. the employer has advertised the work in such a way that no New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder will or is likely to apply e.g. making foreign language skills a requirement when it is not necessary for the performance of the work; or
ii. an employer has advertised the work at terms and conditions that are less than terms and conditions New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders typically receive for equivalent work.
You may submit this information by sending an attachment to this email, or by postal service, and lastly by personally delivering the documents to your nearest Immigration Branch. Please note if you are couriering, or delivering these documents then we strongly recommend that you attach a note with your application on it. This ensures that the documents will be delivered to the appropriate application.
Please respond within 10 working days or I may have to make a decision without the necessary evidence.作者: bbqjiubbq 时间: 2016-2-16 14:30:28
Do you hold a valid Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Invitation to Apply, or have a SMC application currently under assessment, for the position noted above?