
标题: 坡地后坐房子 [打印本页]

作者: AAAZCY    时间: 2016-2-12 11:30:44     标题: 坡地后坐房子

最近看了一套房子,律师刚才通话说 ,report上写的那个区域有可能是泄洪区,有可能也有高压线。但我去看房子时没有看到高压线。请问大家的看法和经验。谢谢!

作者: Archer_xlz    时间: 2016-2-12 13:38:52

作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2016-2-12 16:47:32

樓主將LIM report 的那一頁先放上來看看
作者: 鬼武魂    时间: 2016-2-12 17:06:04

作者: jameshu    时间: 2016-2-12 17:42:03

作者: Archer_xlz    时间: 2016-2-12 17:44:10

本帖最后由 Archer_xlz 于 2016-2-12 16:45 编辑


Notes :

1. Potential flood areas include 1% AEP Coastal Inundation Areas, Flood Plains and Flood sensitive Areas. Overland Flow paths are also shown. Refer to the Auckland council web site for a more detailed explanation.
2. If this property is redeveloped or the impermeable area is significantly increased then stormwater disposal may need to be reassessed.
3. Stormwater Management areas have different on–site stormwater mitigation requirements for new or re-development. Refer to Operative Auckland Council District Plan (North Shore Section) Chapter 8.

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