Ah, thank you guys. 作者: superppmm 时间: 2016-2-9 11:20:52
例子1:某老CV仅30几万,新CV也才40万出头的房子,房主居然在trademe上enquiries over 56w。直接在新CV上inflate了10好几万,当买家都是傻蛋吗?关键房子很一般般啊。。。
例子2:某白人老两口私卖房子,也是trademe,asking price也比新CV高了一大截。关键还要搭着他家的一大堆破烂卖,比如冰箱,钢琴。。。无语了。。。作者: Yalisu 时间: 2016-2-9 18:46:40
想再问下,如果listed enquirers over $245000,换句话说就是the expected price is around $245000, 高一点或低一点是吗? We are both first time buyer and on budget。 作者: jameshu 时间: 2016-2-9 18:56:02
We have contacted the listed agent on Trade Me and arranged a time to view the property. Thanks so much for the advice. I think I might will have more dummy questions later on, but thanks for the advice. :)