Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173)
This visa lets parents live in Australia for up to two years if they are the parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia.
You can apply separately for a permanent Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) to stay in Australia permanently.
You might be able to get this visa if you:
are sponsored
meet the balance-of-family test
are prepared to pay much higher visa application charges for faster processing.
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这个好像可以作者: noodle 时间: 2016-1-4 00:51:07
本帖最后由 noodle 于 2016-1-6 13:54 编辑
楼上说的是父母移民签证,楼主只是新西兰公民,不符合澳洲settle和pr要求,eligible New Zealand citizen是2001年以前进入澳洲的新西兰公民。