Auckland's controversial new residential zoning maps released
The changes include:
* Zoning more of Mt Eden for Mixed Housing Urban, allowing intensified housing of up to three storeys;
* Reducing the amount of Single House zoning in Remuera;
* Allowing more intensification in parts of Takapuna's iconic seaward streets such as Minehaha Avenue;
* Changing the length of Lake Road between Takapuna and Belmont to Mixed Housing Urban;
* Changing almost all of Blockhouse Bay from Single House zone to Mixed Use Suburban, allowing a mix of housing styles and more density;
* Upzoning parts of New Lynn that are near the town centre and public transport to Mixed Housing Urban and the higher density Terrace Housing and Apartment zone;
* Making all of Pt Chevalier Mixed Use Suburban, and adding a new zone of Mixed Use Urban down the main arterial routes of Pt Chevalier Rd and Meola Rd;
* Changing half of the nearby suburb of Waterview from Mixed Use Suburban to the more intense Mixed Use Urban.
Auckland's Unitary Plan will replace the 13 legacy regional and district plans of the eight former Auckland councils.