A landlord can give at least 42 days’ written notice to end the tenancy if (and only if) one of the following apply:
the property has been sold and the new buyer doesn’t want tenants (ie the buyer wants ‘vacant possession’)
the owner or a member of the owner’s family is going to live in the property
the property is normally used as employee accommodation and is needed again for that purpose (and the fact that this might happen was stated in the tenancy agreement).
The landlord’s notice must also state which of the above circumstances is the reason for giving the notice. This reason must be genuine. If not, a tenant can challenge the notice through the Tenancy Tribunal. 作者: nevernew 时间: 2015-10-29 23:05:06
如果跟房客协商房客同意立马去找新住处,属于early termination of fixed term contract ,就不一定真的要出42 days notice. 但很多这种情况,房客会要求房东赔偿LETTING FEES