
标题: 有朋友可以帮我看看吗? 漏水材料 Plaster? [打印本页]

作者: 小苦妹    时间: 2015-10-12 14:55:00     标题: 有朋友可以帮我看看吗? 漏水材料 Plaster?


House Description : This is a single level, two story timber frame Fibrolite and Shadow clad ply type clad house. Has a corrugated iron roof on timber piles and a concrete base for the garage only.

1. Building exterior / attached structure
Foundation Walls Foundation walls are made of timber posts. The garage is on a concrete base foundation. All appears to be in good condition.
Sub-Floor ventilation All ventilation found to be clear and undamaged. All appears to be
in good condition.

Basement Access located through the garage of the house. Foundation footings and walls made of timber posts. Piles are timber posts - stable. Sub-floor bracing and fixings, damp proof courses, bearers and fixings, span, size and fixings, floor joists and beams all appear to be in good condition. The under floor is particle board flooring, partly lined with breather foil insulation. The L/H/S end of the house requires to be lined with breather foil insulation. Under bathroom areas found to be dry with no signs of leaks. Some Dux Qest plumbing pipe was seen about the house. This plumbing pipe has been causing a great deal of problems in many houses in and around Auckland in recent years.

Exterior Lining – Cladding Fibrolite and shadow clad ply coating. All appeared to be in good condition at the time of inspection.

Gables and bargeboards Gables are fibrolite and bargeboards are timber. Appear to be in good condition.


作者: ken454    时间: 2015-10-12 15:13:24

A friend can help me? Thank you
地下室访问位于通过房子的车库。基础地基和墙壁由木材的职位。桩材的帖子 - 稳定。楼子支撑和定价,防潮课程,承载和固定件,跨度大,规模和定价,地板搁栅和梁似乎都处于良好状态。地板下是刨花板地板,部分内衬铝箔喘口气绝缘。在L / H / S的房子到底需要同呼吸铝箔保温内衬。在浴室发现的地区保持干燥与泄漏的迹象。一些的DUX任务水暖管件被视为关于房子。这水暖管件已经造成了很大的许多房屋和周围奥克兰问题在最近几年。
外观衬里 - 覆层纤维原精简版和阴影包层涂层。所有似乎是在良好的条件下,在检查的时间。
A friend read it?
作者: adamzhou    时间: 2015-10-12 15:15:40

ken454 发表于 2015-10-12 14:13
A friend can help me? Thank you
众议院说明:这是一个单级,二层木结构纤维原精简版和影包层型覆的房子。 ...

作者: 阿海    时间: 2015-10-12 15:27:22

直接上图或website link比较好判断。
作者: GreatCursER    时间: 2015-10-12 15:48:01

作者: D.P.Inspection    时间: 2015-10-12 16:35:50

本帖最后由 D.P.Inspection 于 2015-10-17 17:24 编辑

从文字来看应该是卖家准备好的builder report

从文字描述来看这个房子没有大问题,文中提到了房子中安装的Dux Qest plumbing pipe 在近些年因为质量问题在奥克兰导致很多维修问题。

但买家最要注意的是文章中提到的外墙材料 Fibrolite and Shadow clad

上个世纪中期的Fibrolite 是从澳洲James Hardie 制造的石棉纤维板外墙材料。这种石棉纤维板对长期多年的风雨冲刷和昼夜温差承受能力并不是很好,而且用这类材料的房子多数都是低端的房屋,很多屋主都很少做保养维护。从我看过的房子开看很多都有开裂,渗水的痕迹。含有石棉材料的如需更换 拆修需要专业人士处理。是一笔不少的费用。

Shadow clad 也是本地Carter Holt Harvey制造的木制合板外墙材料。近些年已经有很多的用户报告正常维护的Shadow clad有开裂,合板开始脱胶的现象,最终导致漏水。 感兴趣的可以google 搜索 Fair go Shadow clad


检测师 David Wang
Direct Property Inspection 大卫房屋检测
口头书面房屋检测报告 Builder Report
漏水检测报告 Weathertightness Report
违建安全评估报告 Safe and Sanitary Report
电话:0226227208 免费咨询报价

作者: 蒋づ天琪≈    时间: 2015-10-17 13:10:28

D.P.Inspection 发表于 2015-10-12 16:35
从文字来看应该是卖家准备好的builder report

从文字描述来看这个房子没有大问题,文中提到了房子中安装的 ...

作者: D.P.Inspection    时间: 2015-10-17 18:34:01

蒋づ天琪≈ 发表于 2015-10-17 12:10


我见过90年代末保养很好的Insulclad,没有任何漏水问题。也见过零几年建造带有cavity 的Insulclad在deck连接处出现严重漏水情况的房子。


但现在基本Plaster外墙的房屋银行都会要求买家做Weathertightness Report做为批复贷款的条件。

检测师 David Wang
Direct Property Inspection 大卫房屋检测
口头书面房屋检测报告 Builder Report
漏水检测报告 Weathertightness Report
违建安全评估报告 Safe and Sanitary Report
电话:0226227208 免费咨询报价

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