4)Barfoot & Thompson's median price hit new record of $790,000 in September, but the company warns that prices are at a crossroads:http://www.interest.co.nz/property/77974/barfoot-thompsons-median-price-hit-new-record-790000-september-company-warns-prices
Barfoot & Thompson average sale prices:
January - $757,319
February - $747,521
March - $776,729
April - $804,282
May - $822,148
June - $826,474
July - $827,359
August - $821,079
September - $836,275
Sales volumes (unconditional, commissions paid):
January - 859
February - 843
March - 1597
April - 1070
May - 1225
June - 1167
July - 1388
August - 1314
September - 1358 作者: 阿海 时间: 2015-10-6 11:40:19
July - 1388
August - 1314
September - 1358
市场够活跃的!冬天啊!作者: LYYX 时间: 2015-10-6 11:45:30
阿海 发表于 2015-10-6 10:40
July - 1388
August - 1314
September - 1358