
标题: 我怎样让我家孩子睡整晚。总结一下。。。。原创。。。 [打印本页]

作者: prayer914    时间: 2006-6-20 19:53:51     标题: 我怎样让我家孩子睡整晚。总结一下。。。。原创。。。


1, 从一个月起, 我家孩子就自己一个人睡一个房间。 一是觉得这样我跟我老公有自己的空间。 二是觉得我家孩子晚上喜欢在很安静的环  境里睡。
2。 开始的时候,晚上我起来喂她从来不跟她说话, 不开她房间的灯, 让她始终在一个暗的环境里。
3。  每天我都定时哄她睡觉,养成好的习惯。 八点喂。 九点让她睡。

这三点让我宝宝养成了习惯,现在有时我大她去MALL, 九点回来的时候,她已经睡着了。以前夏天的时候,天亮得早,她就5点多就醒了。 现在冬天,又调了时间,她也是天不亮就不醒,所以都7点醒。

4。  抱着哄到她70%睡着的时候,就放她在她摇篮里,摇她,或拍她100%睡着。很多妈妈会发现抱着哄睡着后把孩子放下,没多久就醒了。 因为孩子不习惯自己睡。 睡前她觉得自己是在妈妈怀抱, 后来迷迷糊糊的时候发现自己换了个地方,所以不适应,会害怕,就会完全醒。 当孩子睡前就知道自己在摇篮里的话,她迷迷糊糊的时候还会自己又睡着的。

5。  有时孩子晚上闹的话,我不理她, 有时她自己哭个十五分钟就自己睡着了。所以孩子晚上醒的时候给个机会让她自己再睡着。如果她开始高声嘶喊,就不行了,要去喂,再哄过。

6。 一般晚上睡觉前那顿我喂得特别多。让她吃饱。 她一般从8点开始吃到9点,现在4个月,这顿要吃240ML。 在这之前一顿,要间隔的时间长一点,或不要喂太多。 她晚上这顿才会吃得多。

每个孩子不一样。 所以这些方法对其他的孩子不一定有用。 而且孩子如果已经几个月了,有些习惯改起来可能比较困难。 所以准妈妈们要在孩子刚出生的时候就给孩子养成好习惯。

附加 一些信息。 转。

Why Some Babies Have Trouble SleepingBaby Crying

We all sleep in cycles consisting of blocks of:

    * Light sleep and
    * Deep sleep, where we wake and are able to resettle ourselves.

Babies who have trouble sleeping are generally unable to resettle themselves after waking from a deep sleep. This will almost always occur because of the way they have been put down to sleep to begin with.

Babies can be put to sleep a number of different ways.

    * They can be placed in their cots awake and allowed to fall asleep by themselves.
    * We can rock them to sleep in our arms, allow them to fall asleep at the breast, rock them in the pram or have them fall asleep in mum’s bed.

In these situations, once the baby goes off to sleep they are transferred into their cot. They then wake with a fright not knowing where mum and the rocking has gone to. Imagine yourself being all cosy in your own bed and you wake up and you’re sitting in the bathtub, you’d get a bit of a fright too.

At about 8 months old a baby’s sleep cycle changes to around 60 minutes. They also experience what we call separation anxiety, where if mum is not around they become quite anxious.

If these babies are being rocked off to sleep in mum’s arms and resettled sleeping into the cot, they will wake up in 1 hours time, with a huge fright because mum is not there. They cry out, mum goes back into the room and not knowing any other way of resettling the baby, will pick them up, rock them back off to sleep and put them back into the cot. These become bad habits and they are called sleep associations.

A regular routine is the surest way to get a baby or toddler to sleep independently. Babies respond well to a familiar pattern of events, and sleeping in the same environment each night offers them a sense of security and comfort.

Establishing a bedtime routine will not only benefit your child, but also you and your partner. A good night sleep works wonders for tired parents and allowing yourselves a bit of ‘quiet adult time’ together at the end of the day will be just as beneficial to your relationship.

You can begin to establish a routine as soon as you bring your newborn home from the hospital. It is important to encourage a pattern with your newborn. This in turn will become a routine, and babies learn from repetition. Keep in mind that it only takes 3 days to create a habit.

When bringing a newborn home it is very easy to get into the habit of passing baby around from visitor to visitor, everyone wants a cuddle. If your baby is obviously in need of some sleep, or sleeping in their arms, rather than feel rude in whipping baby from under them, encourage your family or friends to watch how you settle them into their cot. After all, they could be potential baby sitters at sometime and wouldn’t it be great if they could settle them off to sleep too.

The best way to establish a routine is using the Feed / Play / Sleep method.Baby Mobile and Playmat

During the day when baby wakes, first feed them and then place your baby on the floor for some playtime. The age of your baby will determine how long they will play before showing tired signs. Watch for the tired signs and then act on them by implementing the settling techniques.

In the evening, after dinner or a feed, replace the playtime with a relaxing bath. Have some cuddling time and perhaps a story or two. Baby massage can also be very useful in relaxing your baby. Never over-stimulate your child before bedtime or think that the longer you keep them up, the more tired they will become and the easier it will be to get them off to sleep. An overtired baby is always harder to settle.

[ 本帖最后由 prayer914 于 2006-6-20 19:12 编辑 ]
作者: 森林    时间: 2006-6-20 20:29:52

作者: lunar_xuzi    时间: 2006-6-20 21:12:11

作者: 紫默    时间: 2006-6-20 21:17:06


作者: prayer914    时间: 2006-6-20 21:41:22

你们家的宝宝估计是分部清楚白天和晚上了吧。 所以才喜欢晚上喝。 生长激素都是晚上分泌的,这样对宝宝不好啊。

我要上班的时候,我们6 30就起来了。 7 15 我老公就带孩子出去了。 要把孩子送去BB SITTER那里。 我就带狗出去走一圈。做点家务。 10上班。
我不要上班的时候。 老公7 30 起来。 我也是那时起来喂了孩子。跟她一起继续睡到11点。

对了。MOMO,我的BABY SITTER明天没有空。 所以我还是周四上班。 你明天来我家吧。
作者: prayer914    时间: 2006-6-20 21:44:50

我家也喝得少。 但还是长了很多。 PLUNKET的人说不用担心。 每个孩子不一样。

我家7 30 喝 120ML左右。 12点喝160ML左右。 4点喝160ML左右。 8点喝220ML左右。 加起来才660ML。
作者: truelove    时间: 2006-6-20 22:09:55

作者: 孙悟空    时间: 2006-6-20 22:27:08

作者: 饺子MM    时间: 2006-6-20 23:05:30

对我家这个宝,该使的招我全使遍了,可根本没用! 但现在总算好点了,不是一个小时一个小时醒了,能睡多两三个小时,中间也会哼哼,但拍拍还能继续睡.

作者: 苗条虫    时间: 2006-6-21 16:46:09

作者: 睡mm    时间: 2009-4-2 21:45:42




[ 本帖最后由 睡mm 于 2009-4-2 21:49 编辑 ]
作者: dabaobao    时间: 2009-4-5 01:14:25

我家宝宝快1岁了,现在也在训练她睡整晚,一般都是差不多晚上10点多开始睡,之前先是抱着哄哄,等她有睡意后再放到她自己的小床上让她自己睡,这时她一般都会哭,但我这时就不去哄她,让她自己睡,有的时候效果还行,她自己慢慢就能睡着,但有的时候就不行了,而且她哭的时候还会自己坐起来,甚至有的时候还会站起来,所以这个时候最头疼了,只能再把她抱起来,重新再哄,常常要反复多次才能把她哄着,但我也精疲力尽了,请问LZ 这种情况下应该怎么办呢?
作者: angie    时间: 2009-4-5 02:36:31

LZ你們家的女兒....長牙時夜里會不會哭啊 ?? 如哭...你女兒長牙長到多大夜里才不哭呢 ??
作者: 地理    时间: 2009-4-5 20:15:57

作者: lunaliu127    时间: 2009-4-6 22:28:49

作者: Lillian    时间: 2009-4-7 00:02:59

作者: 小雨妈    时间: 2009-4-8 16:38:31

作者: 水晶翅膀    时间: 2009-4-10 19:36:41

作者: zhang77    时间: 2009-4-10 22:45:35

作者: tina_0326    时间: 2009-4-12 16:22:03

作者: Cheese-Cake    时间: 2009-4-12 17:48:47

作者: 嘴嘴851121    时间: 2009-5-25 00:10:40



作者: 风前舞    时间: 2009-5-25 13:57:20

宝宝现在快3个月了,晚上可以睡5个小时,夜里只要起来一次喂奶。 希望他很快就能睡整觉!
作者: 嘴嘴851121    时间: 2009-5-29 13:11:02

2。 开始的时候,晚上我起来喂她从来不跟她说话, 不开她房间的灯, 让她始终在一个暗的环境里。


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