Are you a former migrant job seeker in New Zealand who is now employed?
Want to inspire and encourage other fellow migrants?
Interested in taking part of a human library event?
Are you free on 12 September 2015 from 1 to 3 pm?
Migrant Action Trust will be holding the Diversity Job Fair on Saturday, 12 September. An segment of the event will be called Successful Migrants: Jobsearch Journeys in New Zealand .
We are looking for more participants for this session. This session is inspired by the human library concept: instead of borrowing books to read stories, you can borrow people to share theirs. This is a good opportunity for you to inspire ang encourage others who are going through what you have gone through before.
What we are looking for are former migrants who looked for a job in New Zealand and successfully found one.
How it works
· Successful migrants will be sharing their stories to jobseekers - one on one.
· The idea here is to provide inspiration to the jobseekers and maybe to pick some tips in finding work in NZ.
· Jobseekers can approach you from 1 - 3 pm in your designated areas (we will let you know on the day the area)
· There is an understanding that there is no obligation of the successful migrant to provide a job offer (or maybe leads to possible vacancies during the session) to the jobseeker; nor you are required to provide on-going support after the event; nor you are required to provide your contact details (e.g. email, mob, etc) to the jobseekers.