Auckland's blistering house prices could soon be exported tothe cities of Hamilton, Tauranga and Whangerei, mortgage brokers fear.
This week, BNZ will be the last of the big Aussie banks tointroduce tough lending rules for investors which are designed to curb houseprice frenzy.
Rivals, ASB, ANZ and Westpac have already cut back onlending to investors with less than 30 per cent deposits, or security, forproperties.
BNZ says it will follow suit on Friday August 14.
The deadline for bringing in loan to value (LVR)restrictions on investors is supposed to be October 1.
But the Auckland housing market is so hot that the ReserveBank has made no secret of its desire for banks to fall into line before that.
And already some of Auckland's mortgage brokers are seeinginvestors eyeing up opportunities further afield.
John Bolton from Squirrel Mortgages said it was a trendamong Squirrel's investor clients, and Campbell Hastie from The Go2Guys saidhe'd seen a similar shift in some investors' focus, but added: "I'm alsoseeing first home buyers making the same kind of horizon change as well."
While Bolton believes the weight of Auckland investor moneywill result in concerns for home buyers in other cities, Hastie says he doesn'texpect any inter-city name-calling.
Andrew King, executive officer of the NZ Property Investors'Federation, says high prices and low rental yields in Auckland have alreadyspurred many Auckland investors to turn their sights on Hamilton and Tauranga,but he added the LVR restrictions would fuel the trend.
"If you are selling, you will think it is lovely, andif you are buying you won't think it's great," he says.
Property expert Rodney Dickens from Strategic Risk Analysisadded: "The key thing is the boom in Auckland prices has been so long, ithas made prices look cheap in places like Hamilton, Tauranga andWhangarei."
The LVR restrictions in Auckland would just add to theattraction of investing outside of the metropolis.
Tony Begbie president of the Waikato Property Investors'sAssociation says locally based investors had mixed views on the wave ofAuckland money hitting the market there.
"The ones that are not wanting to buy are happy, butthe ones who are wanting to buy are not," he said. "The Aucklandersare outbidding them on properties and perhaps not doing their numbersproperly."
Daryl Fisher, a property investor and Harcourts real estateagent, says around 50 per cent of buyers of homes in Hamilton were nowAucklanders.
Fisher says there is a feeling Hamilton missed out oncapital gains last year, and says there were around 5000 too few homes beingbuilt in the city each year.
Figures from the Real Estate Institute show the price of amedian house in Hamilton rose 5 per cent in the year to the end of June.
In Auckland, the rise was 25 per cent.
Fisher dismissed the idea of the kind of anger directed atnon-resident investors that has been voiced in Auckland surfacing in Hamilton.
"I don't think anybody minds. It's New Zealandersinvesting in New Zealand."
An ANZ spokesman said the Reserve Bank had asked banks toact in the spirit of the LVR restriction changes in advance of the formalimplementation date.
"As such, we have taken steps to ensure we comply withthe spirit of the restrictions. We are not issuing any new pre-approvals orapprovals for over 70 per cent LVRs if the purpose of the loan or top-up is tobuy an investment property in the Auckland Council area," he said, thoughadded: "Our intention is to honour all our existing pre-approvals and loanapprovals for customers until they expire."
- Stuff
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