刚刚在Glenfield community centre 找到的,大家分享下
周一 1-2pm 太极课程 http://www.glenfieldcommunitycentre.co.nz/site/index.php/2012-10-24-02-45-56/2012-10-31-00-14-35
周六 9.30-3.30 活动 http://www.glenfieldcommunitycentre.co.nz/site/index.php/2012-10-24-02-45-56/2012-10-31-00-17-03作者: bbautman 时间: 2015-8-6 09:05:57
Sunnynook community centre
Sunnynook Chinese Association - Sycamore Room (from 12.30pm) & Tawa Room (from 1.15pm)
For Chinese people to help them settle into New Zealand culture.
Phone: 021 038 5609
Tai Chi for Health (Beginners Welcome) - 11.00am to 12noon - Acacia Room
Tai Chi is a gentle, relaxing exercise proven to improve balance, stamina, blood circulation, along with many other health benefits.
Phone: Kathy on 550 6321 作者: bbautman 时间: 2015-8-6 09:26:06
Browns bay community centre
Thursday daytime sessions. Individual tuition is also available. Contact wailingwan@gmail.com or 478 3309.
Monday evenings & Wednesday afternoons. Ph Bruno 021 155 4606