adsl2 发表于 2015-7-28 23:55
那你绝对听错了,albany 不但有高压线还坟地,massey uni 旁边就是,你买不买? ...
the cemetery is next to Schnapper rock (235 Schnapper Rock Road), not far from the oaks, both of which are average million dollar areas, and the high voltage cables are going through those two areas as well ...作者: withmysnow 时间: 2015-7-29 11:05:11
忠轩步 发表于 2015-7-29 10:02
the cemetery is next to Schnapper rock (235 Schnapper Rock Road), not far from the oaks, both of w ...
are you sure about this?? i think the high voltage station is located on Bass street quite some distance up north along Albany High Way, there is at least a Kirstin school and North Shore Golf Course lie between, unless what "going through" means under ground traffic... 作者: J_chn 时间: 2015-7-30 00:06:48