
标题: 在华人店不小心弄坏东西遭到开除并赔偿。 [打印本页]

作者: q364141743    时间: 2015-7-27 19:44:48     标题: 在华人店不小心弄坏东西遭到开除并赔偿。

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]本人在一家某华人店做销售助理一个月左右了,两周前签的十几页的英文合同。
请问这样子我有什么办法维护我的合法权益呢? 可不可以去劳动部门或者法院告他?
Ps:上周正式开除了我,走之前让我赔损坏物品的钱,说老板看了录像之后说是我弄坏的要让我赔偿,然后给我写在小纸条上要赔偿500刀,还必须让我当场付钱,我说我身上没那么多他说周四前必须回去把这笔钱付了不然后果自负。 我日。。。现在有什么办法维护我的合法权益啊?难道看着他们和强盗一样欺负我们中国留学生么?
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]今天又给我打了几个电话催我去店里缴钱,请问责任怎么算?不是故意损坏的东西必须要自己赔偿么?他们就一口咬定有监控录像说是我弄坏的必须我赔偿,请专家解答,谢谢!

作者: :TicklyRain:    时间: 2015-7-27 19:54:31

之前有个帖子和这差不多,是不是楼主发的?我记得最后网友灰色夜宵还是灰色宵夜回复你了。我觉得他说的全对。你直接去劳工部告这个雇主啊!他要把工资和holiday pay给你。
作者: 木木恒    时间: 2015-7-27 20:07:08

作者: 119900    时间: 2015-7-27 20:29:07

作者: 灰色夜宵    时间: 2015-7-28 16:10:43

本帖最后由 灰色夜宵 于 2015-7-28 15:27 编辑

我在另一个帖已经把大部分东西回答了 你这里想问的是什么?

如果是弄坏东西赔偿的话 请refer 以下

Even if an employment agreement does not contain an express indemnity an employer has an implied duty under the common law to indemnify its employees for liabilities that arise during the course of the reasonable performance of their duties.

However this implied duty to indemnify the employee will not apply if:

the employee has not used reasonable skill and care in carrying out their duties and functions or has breached duties owed to the employer.  For example, in the Mana Coach Services Limited v Katz, Ms Katz claimed indemnification of her legal costs incurred in defending a Without Due Care prosecution as a result of an accident which she caused. The Employment Court held that Ms Katz was not entitled to enforce the indemnity from her employer in the collective employment agreement (even though she was discharged without conviction) as the Court found that she had operated a bus carelessly causing damage to a parked car.
the employee has incurred a liability in doing something which it was not his or her duty to do. Such expenses are not then incurred by the employee in the reasonable performance of the employee’s duties.
http://www.harknesshenry.co.nz/a ... nities-to-employees

如果你需要更清楚的资料 请从这本的第41页 to take responsibility for employee's actions 往下读


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