Indicate how you meet the minimum standard of English, as defined in the guide under English Language
Requirements in the section ‘Summary of Terms’. (Select one only)
1. An IELTS Test Report with an overall band score of 6.5 or more Go to D3
2. Study for a bachelor degree or a higher qualification conducted entirely in English Go to E1
3. Current skilled employment in New Zealand for 12 months or more Go to E1
4. Otherwise meet the minimum standard, as defined in the Guide Go to D2
Indicate how you meet the minimum standard of English, as defined in the guide under English Language
Requirements in the section ‘Summary of Terms’. (Select one only)
1. An IELTS Test Report with an overall band score of 6.5 or more Go to D3
2. Study for a bachelor degree or a higher qualification conducted entirely in English Go to E1
3. Current skilled employment in New Zealand for 12 months or more Go to E1
4. Otherwise meet the minimum standard, as defined in the Guide Go to D2