现在问题来了,刨除海外投资者,从herald,工党,newstalkzb,鲸油,广大主流媒体的网民,甚至winston peters几乎从来就没有说本地投资者不该买房,这个本地投资者包括广大在新西兰居住的华人,比例我相信超过总投资数的36%,不到40%,数据来自工党报告。就像没人对dairy店主大多是某个族裔,出租车司机大多是某个族裔有意见一样,as long as他们有合法身份诚实缴税。说白了,对比主流媒体和华文媒体,对本地华人买房投资最不满的,是部分华人,没有之一。
But such a nuanced ban may prove difficult to enforce alongside our trade agreements.
They specify that New Zealand has to treat all foreign investors the same, but our CER deal with Australia means Australians must be allowed to invest freely, which would mean they were preferred over other non-residents。