
标题: 奥克兰华人低收入不可能买房,都海外的,因为印度人高收入不存在同样问题? [打印本页]

作者: Venox10111    时间: 2015-7-12 18:13:06     标题: 奥克兰华人低收入不可能买房,都海外的,因为印度人高收入不存在同样问题?

本帖最后由 Venox10111 于 2015-7-12 17:23 编辑

根据给Labour 分析数据的大神所说,在奥克兰的华人低收入,而且年轻,不可能买那么多“百万豪宅”,而且对比印度人口比例,比例上比中国人收入高,就没有这个问题。。。

我想说。。。这位仁兄,只懂数据不懂社会,文化啊。。。按照姓确定是Chinese 已经够离谱了,这个 assumption 简直了。。。



Of course that is possible that 126,000 Chinese Aucklanders bought the 1500 or so houses in this data set.   But it is plausible given these data?

First, Chinese Aucklanders tend to be young, and tend to have low incomes. While the ethnically Chinese population makes up 9% of Aucklanders, it makes up only 5% of Aucklanders on high incomes.

Second, the leaked data show that the ethnically Chinese house buyers tended to purchase flash houses. While ethnically Chinese buyers made up 39.5% of all sales, they made up over 49% of all sales worth over $1 million. That is another striking discrepancy.

This explanation now requires a small, relatively low income percentage of the population to be buying a very large percentage of the most expensive houses. At face value, that sounds unlikely

Well, we have a good comparison case to test this idea: the ethnically Indian population in Auckland. It has 8% of the population, 6% of the high-earning population, and it is growing even more quickly than the ethnic Chinese population, including through immigration at similar rates. That means the Indian population is subject to similar dynamics of incoming capital for new residents, and has the same need to find new places to live.

作者: 巴依老爷    时间: 2015-7-12 18:43:36


作者: ha775775    时间: 2015-7-12 18:58:44

作者: 119900    时间: 2015-7-12 19:03:50

作者: nasi_chilli    时间: 2015-7-12 19:17:34

巴依老爷 发表于 2015-7-12 17:43

just some no brainer racist fool in labour party wanna show off.

so naive and idiotic political moves

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