penya 发表于 2015-7-6 17:05 & X; Y m5 u E
1 D6 j2 E5 ]- O5 ^6 P# TSnail is good at getting rid of Algae etc...but soon you will come across snail population problem and trust me it is even tougher to resolve. , x( }& M M- f+ z# O
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CAE only eat Algae when they are young, it can be very aggressive when they are mature. SAE is a better choice if you do need to have bottom feeder. & f, z+ [) Z D6 M9 Q; ^
( J) k) Q0 V5 {The best way to reduce the Algae is to move your tank away from direct sunlight and control the amount of lights from Aquarium lamps. In the meantime, wipe them off by using Aquarium wipe.