标题: Couple few Streets at Glenfield East & Totara Vale Westlake Zone [打印本页] 作者: SCIRT 时间: 2015-5-28 12:37:37 标题: Couple few Streets at Glenfield East & Totara Vale Westlake Zone
Houses on Bruce Rd are probably a best location at Glenfield East.
Houses on Celeste Pl and katheleen Pl are probably top amongst Totara Vale in the double westlake zone. Celeste Pl offers views towards the City closed to T Mart, bus-stops and Shopping, whereas houses at Katheleen don't. The above-mentioned streets are well more better than those in Sunnynook and Forrest Fill in terms of commuting to the City. Five minutes get youself to Tristram . Kiwi locaks told me that the above-mentioned in the long run house price will write over those in Sunnynook.
House can be renovated, but locality cannot be shifted. They said quality houses amongst those above-mentioned areas will be over NZD 1.2 M easily in a year. 作者: 猩猩都叫兽 时间: 2015-5-28 13:10:24
for a healthy school, you need to have healthy mix of people, average family, wealthy family etc.
My son just go to school, and I learnt that the governance of the school are made of mixture of people, they are not elite people, just ordinary people who want to be part of school board of trustee. The school philosophy is giving students a chance, give them a go and sky is the limit.
When come to school zoning, this principle applies, yes, glenfield north students are not so wealthy, from average working class parents, many are from other east Asian countries and school know that and they deserve to be given a chance to be part of the school zones.
And these students tend to be doing well at later part of their life, not those overly indulged, overly and excessively provided students.