
标题: 请教各位,fixed term 租约快到期了,我需要给租客什么notice说明不想续约了吗 [打印本页]

作者: 滴答滴    时间: 2015-5-23 14:08:57     标题: 请教各位,fixed term 租约快到期了,我需要给租客什么notice说明不想续约了吗


作者: 黑子    时间: 2015-5-23 14:40:50

作者: 伪装者    时间: 2015-5-23 14:44:29

提前跟他说不续约了 你要租给别人  还要涨租金 就行了
作者: ronaldlu    时间: 2015-5-23 23:46:17

你半年后可加租,但不能说要租给别人,小心告你. 永远不要签Fixed team租约.Fixed team 对他有利对你不利。

作者: 淡然若水    时间: 2015-5-24 00:53:59

不用说明具体原因,就是到期不想租了。要在到期之前就以书面形式告知租客,否则过了到期日就会变成periodical tenancy了。periodic tenancy的情况下让租客搬走notice 的时间会很长。

The landlord may give 42 days' notice in writing if:
(a) the landlord has an agreement to sell the premises with
vacant possession; or
(b) the premises are required for occupation by the landlord
or a member of the landlord's family; or
(c) the premises are required for an employee of the landlord
and this has been agreed at the start of the tenancy.
In other cases, the landlord must give 90 days' notice in

作者: LYYX    时间: 2015-5-24 09:37:10

If the fixed term is for longer than 90 days, the tenancy will automatically become a periodic tenancy when it expires unless the landlord or the tenant gives notice to say they don’t want that to happen. This notice must be given between 90 and 21 days before the end of the fixed term:http://tenancy.govt.nz/assets/Fo ... ritten-template.pdf
作者: 滴答滴    时间: 2015-5-24 10:14:25


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