Overtime entitlements
What is an employee entitled to for working overtime?
When an employee works more than their normal hours then they need to be paid for the overtime that they do. There are, however, no legal requirements to pay overtime above the normal rate of pay after working a certain number of hours in a day or a week.
Whether overtime rates will be paid is a matter for negotiation between an employer and an employee. Best practice would be to include any agreed overtime rates in the employment agreement so both parties are clear about the terms and conditions when the employee works more than their normal hours. You can find a sample clause on overtime in the Employment Agreement Guide, under Wages/Salary/Allowance.
If an employee has worked more than their normal hours and believes they have not been compensated for this, they should first discuss this with the employer so that the employer is clear about the issue and can respond to the employee.
If this is not successful an employee may choose to seek mediation assistance from the Department of Labour. Mediation is a free and impartial service that helps employers and employees resolve disagreements.
Date Modified: Thursday, 31 March 2011
Disclaimer: The content on this website covers common problems. It will not answer every question and should not be used as a substitute for legislation or legal advice.State sector employers and employees may be affected by some differences in the laws that apply to them (e.g. State Sector Act 1988).The Department of Labour takes no responsibility for the results of any actions taken on the basis of information on this website, nor for any errors or omissions. 作者: AUGUSTUS 时间: 2015-5-22 15:31:21
除非和僱主有關於ovetime pay 的條款,否則僱主有權要求僱員 OT 而隻支付 flat rate.
並非一定是1.5倍,可以是2, 3, 或4倍,由僱主和僱員協議決定。
一旦僱主在僱傭合約中明確OT pay 的責任而沒有履行的話實屬違法。
唔會喺妳掛。。。?作者: dove 时间: 2015-5-22 16:06:53
AUGUSTUS 发表于 2015-5-22 14:31
除非和僱主有關於ovetime pay 的條款,否則僱主有權要求僱員 OT 而隻支付 flat rate.