标题: 有法律规定房东不能把房间钥匙给房客的规定?? [打印本页]
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-18 22:46:11 标题: 有法律规定房东不能把房间钥匙给房客的规定??
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作者: felicia8585 时间: 2015-5-18 23:02:06
作者: oplwy 时间: 2015-5-18 23:04:19
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-18 23:06:26
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作者: songinator 时间: 2015-5-18 23:07:46
本帖最后由 songinator 于 2015-5-18 22:10 编辑
Rights and obligations under a boarding house tenancy
Boarding house landlords' obligationsResidential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 24, 66E, 66G, 66H-66J
When the tenant moves in the landlord must ensure that the tenant's room is clean and vacant. The landlord must provide a copy of the house rules and a list of the costs of all services which are not included in the rent.
The landlord must ensure that at all times:
- the boarding house is reasonably clean, secure and in reasonable repair
- the boarding house meets relevant building, health and safety requirements
- the tenant has access at all times to the tenant's room and to toilet and bathroom facilities
- the tenant has access at all reasonable hours to the other facilities in the premises
- copies of the house rules and fire evacuation procedures are on display
- they take all reasonable steps to ensure that the house rules are observed, and are enforced in a fair and consistent manner
- they give at least 28 days' written notice of any rent increase
- they avoid interference with the tenant's reasonable peace, privacy and comfort
- they do not unnecessarily interrupt the supply of electricity, water, and gas
- they pay all the shared bills
- they notify tenants immediately if the house is being sold or the locks are being changed.
Boarding house tenants' obligationsResidential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 66E-66G, 66K-66M, 66T
Some of the tenant's obligations are to:
- pay the rent on time
- keep the bedroom reasonably clean and tidy
- not use the boarding house for an unlawful purpose
- promptly notify the landlord of any damage or any need for repairs
- follow the house rules
- not attach any fixtures or make any alteration to the boarding house without the landlord's written permission
- not keep a pet without the landlord's permission
- not transfer (“assign”) the tenancy to anyone else
- pay for damage that they or their visitors cause
- pay for any damage to their room, unless they share the room or the can prove they did not cause the damage
- not disturb other people
- pay the bills for the room, if the expenses are metered separately
- let the landlord into the room if the landlord has a right to enter
- remove all their property at the end of the tenancy and leave the boarding room in a reasonably clean and tidy condition.
When can a landlord enter the boarding house?Residential Tenancies Act 1986, s 66Q
Landlords may enter the common areas of boarding houses at any time, as long as they do not interfere with the tenants' reasonable peace, comfort, or privacy.
However, a landlord may only enter a tenant's room in limited circumstances.
Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 66R-66S
The landlord can enter the tenant's room without notice if:
- the tenant freely agrees
- the landlord has a good reason to believe that they need to enter immediately because of a serious risk to life or property
- the landlord has to enter the room to provide services that the tenancy agreement says they will provide
- the Tenancy Tribunal has ordered that the landlord may enter the room.
The landlord can enter the room between 8am and 6pm if they give the tenant 24 hours' notice and:
- the landlord wants to inspect the room, and they have not inspected in the last four weeks
- the landlord wants to show the room to a prospective tenant, prospective buyer, prospective lender, registered valuer, real estate agent or expert assessor
- the landlord has a good reason to believe that the tenant has failed to comply with their obligations
- the landlord has to enter to fulfil their landlord obligations
- the landlord wants to confirm whether or not the tenant has abandoned the tenancy
- the landlord wants to check work that the tenant is meant to have done on the room.
Note:Notice can be spoken or can be in writing. The tenant must be told what people will enter, at about what time on what day, and why they are entering. If the notice is in writing, it must be given to the tenant in person or put on the tenant’s door or inside the tenant’s room (for example by sliding it under the door). The landlord must enter the room in a reasonable manner (they should knock and wait). They must stay in the room only as long as they need to for the purpose, and they must not unnecessarily interfere with tenants’ property.
House rulesResidential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 66O, 66P
The landlord may make house rules about the boarding house and the services there.
Landlords may change the rules at any time, as long as they give the tenant seven days' written notice of the change.
A tenant may apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for an order that a house rule is unlawful, if the house rule:
- is discriminatory
- is inconsistent with the Privacy Act
- is inconsistent with the Residential Tenancies Act
- is illegal in any other way.
A tenant can complain to the Tenancy Tribunal even if the tenant knew about the rule when they agreed to move in to the boarding house.
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Ending a boarding house tenancy
How much notice does a boarding house tenant have to give?Residential Tenancies Act 1986, s 66V
A boarding house tenant may end the tenancy by giving 48 hours' notice. The notice does not have to be in writing and does not have to include any reasons.
Note:If there is an end date written in a boarding house tenancy agreement, some landlords will argue that the tenant must stay until that end date. The law is not absolutely clear, so consider seeking more advice from 0800 TENANCY or from a Community Law Centre.
How much notice does a boarding house landlord have to give?Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 66U, 66X
Without giving reasons, a landlord may terminate a boarding house tenancy on 28 days' notice.
A landlord may terminate a boarding house tenancy on 48 hours' notice if:
- the tenant owes rent and has been given at least 10 days' written notice to pay
- the tenant is using the premises for an illegal purpose
- the rent is overdue and the landlord believes that the tenant has abandoned the room and the landlord has followed the process the Residential Tenancies Act sets out for abandoned boarding rooms.
A landlord may terminate a boarding house tenancy immediately, if the tenant has:
- caused or threatened serious damages to the premises
- endangered, or threatened to endanger, people or property
- caused or threatened serious disruption to other tenants.
If the tenant disagrees with the landlord's reasons for terminating the tenancy immediately or on 48 hours' notice, the tenant can complain to the Tenancy Tribunal.
What has to be in the landlord's notice?Residential Tenancies Act 1986, s 66U
The notice of termination must be in writing and must say:
- the date of the notice
- the date the tenancy ends
- the reason for the notice (unless 28 days' notice is given)
- the tenant's name
- the name, number and contact address of the landlord or the landlord's agent.
Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 54, 66U
Note:If a tenant believes they have been given notice in retaliation for asserting their rights, the tenant has 14 days to apply to the Tenancy Tribunal to have the notice cancelled.
作者: songinator 时间: 2015-5-18 23:12:23
钥匙是可以给你的 但你不可以自己装锁 且房东必须有紧急时候可以进入的能力 否则你屋子着火你不在怎么办? 房东有权利保护自己的财产安全和生命安全
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-18 23:16:16
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作者: songinator 时间: 2015-5-18 23:20:45
jamhm55 发表于 2015-5-18 22:16
我之前猜 ...
曾经我租房的时候房间有两把钥匙 我给房客一把
作者: 411 时间: 2015-5-18 23:24:25
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作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-18 23:29:28
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作者: 阿放 时间: 2015-5-18 23:44:33
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作者: joy___123 时间: 2015-5-19 09:53:59
作者: GreatCursER 时间: 2015-5-19 14:20:56
你们这个是朋友之间的事 已经不是房东房客之间的关系了 不爽就搬家
作者: 119900 时间: 2015-5-19 14:36:22
作者: kathl 时间: 2015-5-19 14:40:31
我的房间两把钥匙,房东和我各一个。但是,我睡觉一定反锁门, 不然感觉还是不舒服
作者: quad5 时间: 2015-5-20 11:03:31
作者: 我是元芳 时间: 2015-5-20 12:06:03
遇到正妹 肯定會給"我"房間鑰匙
作者: 94吹纽B 时间: 2015-5-20 17:13:01
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作者: chaor 时间: 2015-5-23 12:22:28
joy___123 发表于 2015-5-19 08:53
你的房间你没钥匙是个什么回事?哪天房间给锁上了着火了跑不出 ...
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-30 02:20:35
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作者: love_3_month 时间: 2015-5-30 07:36:25
作者: chaor 时间: 2015-5-30 11:45:01
jamhm55 发表于 2015-5-30 01:20
唯一的不同是,我 ...
作者: chaor 时间: 2015-5-30 11:47:13
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-30 13:33:53
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作者: chaor 时间: 2015-5-30 15:22:12
jamhm55 发表于 2015-5-30 12:33
哦,所以意思就是说,即便房东有备用钥匙紧急情况下可以随时开任何一扇门,我也不能有钥匙和锁门?是个意 ...
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-31 00:15:59
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作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-5-31 00:16:52
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作者: chaor 时间: 2015-5-31 13:01:21
jamhm55 发表于 2015-5-30 23:16
作者: skysadness 时间: 2015-6-1 21:31:45
作者: joy___123 时间: 2015-6-1 23:20:44
chaor 发表于 2015-5-30 10:47
我说的是那层楼的哥们,说什么忽悠人,确实有这个,因为我平时玩QQ群,帮助来新西兰留学生,加上我自己也是 ...
LZ不像homestay,所以没查HS的要求(如果HS有这种要求请问出处在哪,学习一下)正常的Residential Tenancy Act(整租房不讨论)和Boarding House Tenancies(分租房间,适用于LZ情况),出处是(http://www.tenancy.govt.nz/start ... es/#related-content, export as PDF, 第三页) ,房东有义务加锁(大门和room),而且房客有权利随时进入自己房间(随时的意思是不需要通过房东开门)
A boarding house landlord must provide and maintain sufficient locks to ensure the house and allrooms are reasonably secure. They must also make sure tenants have access to their room andtoilet and bathroom facilities at all times.Before changing any lock or similar device, the landlord must tell every tenant who will be affected.Tenants must not alter, add to or remove any lock or similar device.
Tenants must not interfere with, or render inoperative, any means of escape from fire.
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-6-2 12:35:48
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作者: kyjac623 时间: 2015-6-2 23:03:25
作者: chaor 时间: 2015-6-3 12:26:40
joy___123 发表于 2015-6-1 22:20
LZ不像homestay,所以没查HS的要求(如果HS有这种要求请问出处在哪,学习 ...
哈哈,你找那个肯定找不到,你找真正洋人建房的问问,所有卧室不允许锁门,还道听途说,我是QQ群负责人,还有本地KIWI好多人都知道,我朋友们住的HS一多半没有能锁门的……其实内部插锁也许可以,但是像国内那样,可以用钥匙锁上,特别是这里提到的想锁门,是不行的,还是那句话,你单独把门锁上,而且你人还可以不在屋里,出现火险等等,是绝对不允许的,只不过大多数人不遵循而已,还有我们整租房子的时候,中介都会告诉你,你自己好好查查吧,这个应该是一个基础法律,而且我从来没说通过房东,你怎么就不理解呢,我说的和你说的没有一条不符合,第一不是HS的要求,是全新西兰基础的要求,第二分什么情况也没用,正常情况就是不允许装卧室锁,装上住人时候也不能用,第三,门都不锁,谁都不经过,谁不懂装懂,你找不到多找几个KIWI问问,我是经过5个KIWI HS了解,和学校HS中心询问过,后来也租房时问过专业中介的……你上来就整租房不讨论,然后分租房试用,就把一大部分都扯掉了,然后他本身不是HS的要求,是基本法律,和国内的宿舍不允许放防盗窗一致,遵循的人不多一样,我说的锁是指本文提到的可以拿钥匙内外都锁的这种,其实是不能用的,只不过不严格而已,但是普通的房间内的插锁不一定了……
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-6-3 12:55:47
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作者: chaor 时间: 2015-6-3 12:58:30 标题: RE: 有法律规定房东不能把房间钥匙给房客的规定??
jamhm55 发表于 2015-6-3 11:55
可是,不是有用房东 ...
作者: jamhm55 时间: 2015-6-3 13:09:11
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作者: chaor 时间: 2015-6-3 13:11:44
jamhm55 发表于 2015-6-3 12:09
ls别上火啊,我不是来发泄的,我只是来询问的,所以没答案之前当然会一直问下去,要是发泄的话,上来吵吵 ...
作者: joy___123 时间: 2015-6-3 16:47:52
jamhm55 发表于 2015-6-3 12:09
ls别上火啊,我不是来发泄的,我只是来询问的,所以没答案之前当然会一直问下去,要是发泄的话,上来吵吵 ...
最后,所谓“不成文”规定,或者说“common sense”, 这种都是大家互相将就的,不能和法律相提并论。不过拿common sense来忽悠NZ新人/留学生的那绝对是一堆堆,太好糊弄了。你觉得可以接受那OK,觉得不能接受就fight back.
作者: geng350 时间: 2015-6-4 00:49:02
我的房间就没有锁 房东一般不会进来, 进来之前也会敲门答应的话才会进来,
作者: liaoweiguang123 时间: 2015-6-4 22:46:07
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