Dear Friend,
A giant earthquake has struck the central region of Nepal.This was followed by a powerful aftershock that hit the same area over the weekend. This is the worst earthquake since 1943 and it is feared that many thousands are dead and tens of thousands severely injured.
The Leprosy Mission’s Anandaban Hospital is located close to the epicentre and has suffered major damage. Staff accommodation has been destroyed. Without homes, doctors and nurses are camping out in the open space so that they can remain at the hospital caring for the many patients who desperately need help. We are grateful to God that no staff or patients have been hurt.
But the need is great. People are now pouring in to receive treatment for crush injuries, broken limbs, and lacerations.
但是我们现在急需大批援助物资,大量的伤者急需 挫伤,骨折和大面积创伤救治。
Give to help our hospital cope with the demand.
The immediate priority is to help those injured in the earthquake.
The demand on the hospital is far greater than usual and although it is hard to give an accurate figure so soon after the disaster, we estimate your gift of $50 would provide an injured person arriving at the hospital with medical treatment and care for five days – five potentially life-saving days.
Early indications are that it will cost upwards of $200,000 to repair the damage to the buildings and re-house the nurses and doctors.
Shovakhar Kandel, the country leader for The Leprosy Mission Nepal says: “Our staff, despite the distress of losing their homes, are trying to help as many of the earthquake victims as we can in our hospital. We are planning to move all the patients to an open space with tents as the ground continues to shake with after-shocks. We value your prayers and support.”
Please pray for the hospital staff and the people of Nepal,and give as much as you can.
Donation Link:
If you do donate, and you wish to: please let me know, so we can thank you and provide you a taxrefund certificate for your kind support and for the people of Nepal.
如果您已经捐赠,请一定要告之 于我,我们会提供慈善退税证明以表达我们的谢意,并感谢您的善意捐赠和对尼泊尔人民的关怀
BabingYu Ethnic Communities Volunteer Coordinator
Leprosy Mission New Zealand
D+64 9 630 2818 M +64 21 127 6432 F+64 6231865 W
PO Box 96262, Balmoral, Auckland 1342, New Zealand
591 Dominion Rd, Balmoral, Auckland 1041, New Zealand
Registered Charity Number CC37638
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