标题: A Message just received from Tax Agent Institute [打印本页] 作者: Hondan 时间: 2015-5-4 15:53:36 标题: A Message just received from Tax Agent Institute
本帖最后由 Hondan 于 2015-5-4 14:56 编辑
Hidden economy marketing campaign
This week Inland Revenue begins a marketing campaign aimed at tradies in the residential building sector in Auckland (specifically north and south Aucklandonly), addressing the issue of undeclared income.
The key objective of the campaign is (over time) to encourage sub-contractorsin the building and construction sector to declare all their income.
In the short term the campaign is to raise awareness among sub-contractors thatthey will be caught if they fail to declare all their income and will face severe penalties if they do not comply with their obligations under the taxsystem.
The marketing campaign will be localised around sub-contractors’ working environment and timed throughout their working day and includes adfences,adshels, mobile billboard, radio, mobile (phone) and online advertising.
The key messages are that under-the-table jobs are not okay, it’s a tax crime.Declare it all. Or risk everything.
Customers in the Auckland region may contact their tax agent to get help to geton track or to put things right. See attached example of the advertising material.
Depending on the outcome of this trial campaign, it may also be used in otherregions and the concept applied to other high-risk sectors.