bobby 发表于 2015-4-23 09:31
这房子6个月前买的,拆房子分割应该花了5-7万,现在要价160 up,不明白既然都弄成这样为什么不建完再卖? ...
能坐着把钱赚了为什么要站着?作者: 后文车妖 时间: 2015-4-23 10:42:57
If I was him/her, I would do same thing. No need to make improvements on the lands. The price is on super rocket, why would a landlord bother him/her-self to spend energy, time and efforts to improves the structures on the land. Anyhow someone will buy (at least we still believe so), so no problem.作者: talkaboutvision 时间: 2015-4-23 10:48:45