好吧,修房,找人来报了价,据说现在人工材料都贵,最便宜的也要40万出头,而且还要将近一年时间不能住人。建新房吧,设计加建设要50万,还不包括拆旧房的一大笔钱,建房期间不仅不能住人,还得把全部家当都搬走。 那就还是修房吧,按说可以申请让政府出一半费用,大概是政府25%,city council 25%,然后屋主出一半。关键是这个要求房子是2012年前建的,而且申请时房龄不能超过10年。可人家的房是98/99年建的,早就过了10年期限。去咨询过了,这个情况政府就不管了。
10 years from CCC date. ( eg if your CCC issue date is 1/4/2005, it will be over 10 years)
if no CCC, no responsibility from signing off authority ( eg City Council).
Many said, can sue developer, builders, many of these companies winding off the company or go into liquidation after finish their development and left it to the city council to foot the bills.
For some years, Auckland City council actually contracted out the Inspections to another Company, if your house is approved or inspected by that company, City council will take no responsibility, you would need to sue that company ( which is now liquidated).
One of the leading Leaky home lawyer in Auckland recently said the houses being recladded and repaired in 2015 onwards, the started to find problems again. The problem is they changed the cladding, but the design stayed the same, no eaves, flat roof, meditaranean style.