
标题: Don't underestimate Glenfield East & Totara Vale [打印本页]

作者: SCIRT    时间: 2015-4-16 10:41:39     标题: Don't underestimate Glenfield East & Totara Vale

In General, North Shore will be hot for another two years for sure. Resource Management Act Kiwis created this Act to hinder their housing developments. Current Mayor is putting all efforts onto other areas. But no matter how much money he shifted onto other areas. North Shore is still the best in every general apsect of security, nature and convenience.

Amongst North Shore is Glenfield East located in the centre of North Shore. Aged population in Mildford and Takapuna doesn't come up enough teenagers to enroll into Westlake Zone. Westlake Boy and Girl are considering their school zone extended to the whole Totara Vale.

Freget about Bayview, Beach Heaven and Birkdale. Albany is also too far away no matter how good they mentioned. After 25 years, Albany might be hot due to new Harbour Bridge completed. But this is going to take a long long time. Many Chinese young guys bought Albany when they have young kids. Once their kids have grown up, they will move back to Westlake Zone and Rangitoto Zone, unless their rich dads keep supporting them until their last oil dried up. As I know, some young couple earning $ 45,000 live in Albany more than $ 1000000 house. Their happiness is built on their parents' sufferring.

作者: AUGUSTUS    时间: 2015-4-16 10:44:49

作者: AUGUSTUS    时间: 2015-4-16 10:46:06

Glenfield 漲得嘩嘩的,趕快的下手。
作者: GreatCursER    时间: 2015-4-16 10:59:16

最后还几句话 很酸爽啊
作者: angelvan2012    时间: 2015-4-16 12:23:19

作者: SCIRT    时间: 2015-4-16 12:49:20

I was in Council Environment Assessment Group for about few years prior to 2007. Pinehill land is made of dump and contamination. Most new comers don't know and flush into buying.

Sunnynook is located at the valley most of winter very wet and part of them doesn't face the sun. Glenfield East is also closed to the Industry Zone. Fortunately it is closed to light Industry Zone not too much polluted! If I said those areas are opposite to Southern Cross Hospital only three streets are ideal places to reside. Of course, Bruce Rd is also good option, but due to the height, the views are not in the same level compared to Celeste Pl, Kathleen St and Wairau Rd.

These streets will potentially bursting for investments and living. School Zone is Wairau Intermediate and Westlake Boy and Girl.

Wairau Intermediate is good for math and science compared to Takapuna Intermediate due to their South African teachers. Some people don't realised that.

作者: LOST_NZ    时间: 2015-4-16 12:54:56

写这个的明显不了解中国人,别说赚4玩5的了,就算PARENTS DIRED UP了,还有PARENTS 的PARENTS.
作者: lihuadamaomao    时间: 2015-4-16 13:01:42

toara vale 也不是全在男女校网以内啊,也是东边的那部分吧
作者: taomibaobao    时间: 2015-4-16 13:34:15

作者: 我是小枪    时间: 2015-4-16 14:42:46


作者: SCIRT    时间: 2015-4-16 14:56:14

LOST_NZ 发表于 2015-4-16 11:54
写这个的明显不了解中国人,别说赚4玩5的了,就算PARENTS DIRED UP了,还有PARENTS 的PARENTS. ...

Glenfield East to get on Highway is only taking 5 to 8 minutes. By contrast, Bay Areas excluding Takapuna, Forrest Hills will take 15 to 20 minutes onto Highway 1.

For wife's shopping distance, particularly for Asian Shops all at Glenfield East facilitate their driving within one stone throw distance. That is the reason that I think it is way more better than Browns Bay and Tobay. Just imagine that your wife need to deliver, fetch kids and buy groceries. Location is unbeatable, but house can be renovated step by step.

Northcote is good but school zone for Northcote and the traffic on Onewa Rd is a killer. Northcote Interchange is also taking you almost 20 minutes to hop on Highway. Never mentioned those guys lived in Browns Bay and Tobay. Upper Harbour Bridge is also another hurdle. Those areas are taking almost 1 and half hours to get to work also including Albany.
作者: kelody0222    时间: 2015-4-16 17:33:56


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