
标题: Reserve Bank aims to cool overheated market [打印本页]

作者: walker123    时间: 2015-4-16 08:58:48     标题: Reserve Bank aims to cool overheated market

The Reserve Bank has identified residential property investment as a sector which needs greater restrictions.

作者: songinator    时间: 2015-4-16 09:37:27

作者: 后文车妖    时间: 2015-4-16 10:11:17

songinator 发表于 2015-4-16 08:37

what makes you think/read so? I do not see any sentences referring the lower deposit, in contrast, the article implies a possible option to reserve bank of rising the deposit for the investor-lending case.
作者: songinator    时间: 2015-4-16 10:13:41

后文车妖 发表于 2015-4-16 09:11
what makes you think/read so? I do not see any sentences referring the lower deposit, in contrast, ...
上面的文章没意思 就是labour和national狗咬狗    看下面的好玩
Home loan deposit minimum 'impossible'
Scott Duggan, his wife and 9-month-old daughter Zara are renting in Massey paying $400 a week but want to buy their first home.

The couple, who attended last night's HomeStart public meeting in Henderson, are looking for a two-to-three bedroom house out west for less than $600,000.

Both are with Kiwisaver.

The proportion of houses bought by investors had increased - nearly 38 per cent in February, compared with 33.8 per cent in September 2013. Photo / Michael Craig
The proportion of houses bought by investors had increased - nearly 38 per cent in February, compared with 33.8 per cent in September 2013. Photo / Michael Craig
"We obviously want to get into the property market but are struggling. With house prices - the 20 per cent deposit minimum is just impossible."

Mr Duggan works fulltime in sales in Newmarket while his wife is a part-time office manager in Ponsonby. Using their Kiwisaver funds, they could now scrape together an $80,000 deposit, he said.

"We are both real keen to get into our own home, we don't have the opportunity of borrowing off the parents.

"But if our loan deposit percentage goes 20 to 10 per cent, suddenly it's a lot more affordable."
作者: 后文车妖    时间: 2015-4-16 10:17:29

songinator 发表于 2015-4-16 09:13
上面的文章没意思 就是labour和national狗咬狗    看下面的好玩
Home loan deposit minimum 'impossible'

This paragraph stated a fact of that high house price even kicks people off from the minimum deposit. Because the house price is too high to working class, they cannot even afford to pay minimum deposit in a reasonable short amount time.
作者: AUGUSTUS    时间: 2015-4-16 10:39:11


作者: songinator    时间: 2015-4-16 10:43:39

后文车妖 发表于 2015-4-16 09:17
This paragraph stated a fact of that high house price even kicks people off from the minimum depos ...

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2015-4-16 10:52:18

作者: 后文车妖    时间: 2015-4-16 11:25:00     标题: se

本帖最后由 后文车妖 于 2015-4-16 10:26 编辑
songinator 发表于 2015-4-16 09:43

I have never expressed anything of "Crash of Auckland House Marketing". I am an investor as well. I invest different things, not houses in Auckland. The favorite topic of "on the house price in Auckland" has nothing to do with myself. I am here to help you to understand what the article tries to tell you.

I'd like to list a few recent facts that your guys in AKL'd better to watch off, 1) huge dropping of dairy price, 2) the low inflation rate, 3) the over-valued NZD.  (Yes, the dairy price is in a bad position these days). These "happening things" result the dilemma of OCR. If the OCR drops, the houses price in AKL would very likely rise further; whereas the higher OCR would potentially destroy the NZ economy. From the public sources (including the speech delivered by Grant Spencer in Rotorua yesterday), what I can tell you is that, the RBNZ is seeking a prudential policy (may be multiple) that any monetary policy not affecting/stimulating the house price in AKL, so that the RBNZ could be in a position of lowing down the current OCR of 3.5% to somewhat below 2.75%. However, this is beyond the administrative power of RBNZ, and this is the reason RBNZ called the cooperation from the National government.

It has nothing to do with the political arguments between Labours and National. It is a pure financial matter and economic issues. I hope it can be resolved before those matters and issues become "a crisis".  
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2015-4-16 11:36:40

后文车妖 发表于 2015-4-16 10:25
I have never expressed anything of "Crash of Auckland House Marketing". I am an investor as well.  ...




但建议cgt 没什么意义,虽然没有明说,如下。大部分的投资者都是看的长期,这个政策最多把某些断线炒作的赶跑,换成长线的投资者。

Mr Spencer did not go as far as advocating a capital gains tax, but said alternative measures were needed to address the rise in investor housing. "Investors are often setting the marginal market prices that are then applied to the full housing stock within a regional market. Indicators point to an increasing presence of investors in the Auckland market and this trend is no doubt being reinforced by the expectation of high rates of return based on untaxed capital gains," he said.

作者: songinator    时间: 2015-4-16 14:09:52

love_3_month 发表于 2015-4-16 09:52
我昨天还在等他在rotorua的讲话,希望有什么新消息呢,结果啥都没说,变成了政治游戏,互相推诿。。。 ...

as I said dog bites dog
作者: walker123    时间: 2015-4-16 22:13:47

songinator 发表于 2015-4-16 13:09
as I said dog bites dog

作者: songinator    时间: 2015-4-17 11:44:04

后文车妖 发表于 2015-4-16 10:25
I have never expressed anything of "Crash of Auckland House Marketing". I am an investor as well. I ...

easiest fix for people cant afford a house is to drop 20% deposit to lower as mentioned in the article i quoted earlier

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