EOI已经递交,收到移民局的emai,附件里面说We have noted that F2 has not been completed in the form and you have not provided a NZ contact address for the sponsor. While we have accepted the form in order to get it in the pool, please note, however, that we still require you to complete these details as per our email instructions of 25/03/2015.
请问大家,是需要我等到EOI被选中后移民局会再发文件要求我再更新和确认信息和补充材料,还是现在联系移民局来更新信息。如果需要现在来更新信息,要怎样更新EOI信息把这两项补充,是什么途径? 非常感谢作者: BIGBIGGary 时间: 2015-3-30 20:44:31
谢谢您的回答,可是移民局给我发过来email的地址是onlineservices@dol.govt.nz。 后面说This is an automated email please do not reply directly to this email address 。 也就是说发给他这个地址也没有用。附近里面也没有email的联系方式。 请问还有别的办法吗?比如网上更改,或者等EOI被选中后移民局会要求我补交新材料时给移民局?