最近在研究面试的东西,有一个问题似乎相当难找答案就是当你被问道薪金的问题,如果被问道,what is your current salary?时你会怎么回答?网上找到的剖析是要么就是告诉他们你是底薪加bonus的那种其实说白了就是虽然底薪是一个可能低或者平均的市场价但是你有bonus,而你的bonus是多少不固定所以这个回答就变的模糊,这样面试官就不能对你的现有的工资来直接的判断你的价格这样你就成功的躲避直接回答面试官这个问题,也成果躲避直接用数值给自己定价,但是如果你的公司只是给你一般的时薪,工作有固定价码,工作性质也一看就是按照固定时薪或年薪给你的不可能有bonus,commission之类的额外收入,那么我们应该怎么躲过直接正面回答一个固定的数值给面试关来躲避过低或过高的给自己定价?有没有面试达人帮忙分析给个答案的,跪求! 作者: samsung2006 时间: 2015-3-29 00:15:36
I can only speak for my industry, IT. Don't know about other industries.
During a interview, if they ask you your current salary, it's usually because they want to know your salary expectation. Sometimes the employers may have a wide range of salary they can potentially offer you, i.e. from 6w - 10w, and from their perspective, 6w, 7w, 10w is all very little money and really don't make much difference to them. So if you say your on 6w, they'll give you 7w, if you say your on 9w, they'll give you 10w.
Don't get too caught up with base salary or salary plus bonus. It doesn't matter much.
However other industry may be very different, what I said don't apply on other industries.