其实看经理表情,他们知道之后的具体细节也有点后悔当初草率的决定,老婆当初为了前公司的名誉,没有把话说的很满,就说这个女的要慎重考虑,说了点关于这个女的的negative的东西,但没有说的很细。老婆在知道雇佣了那个人之后才说透的。既然现有员工提出concern,他们在正式给合同是最好再和现有员工再沟通下吧,workplace health safty也是雇主的责任。
I believe the boss would not promote your wife again.
So, there is no future in that company anyway. Finding a new job is what she should do now.
But she is having a baby, so she should be better to stay in the company for now. And think about leaving later.
If you guys making it bigger and bigger into industry-wide. She would be very hard to get a job anywhere.
For this incident, I would say...
Both of you will be someone's parent now, you should think, act, talk more carefully than before.