豪宅很多都是做plaster over brick/block的 漂亮又好作者: songinator 时间: 2015-6-15 17:26:00
半斤1979 发表于 2015-6-15 15:53
只要外观看着像Plaster,哪怕里面是水泥或砖,也就是所谓的plaster over brick,我觉得也是不要买
虽然从 ...
someone needs to think about the price when you buy it
its the same thing that some people wont look at it then you get a good deal when you actually buy it.
and in 20years time plaster with cavity built after 2005 is just another cladding then you can sell it for more than what you bought it for in relative terms 作者: GreatCursER 时间: 2015-6-15 18:28:01