2015.02.06: DROP IN
2015.02.18: 收到移民局信件,要求在2月25日前补交我和女朋友的《NSC》(national security check)
2015.02.21: 上交《NSC》.
2015.03.03: 收到CO的邮件,要求补充以下证明:
(1)Original or certified true copies of joint or individual homeownership or residential tenancy agreement and utility accounts such as electricity, rates, internet connection and telephone(房子的户主是女友的父母,所以不存在《租房合同》,然后其他的utility项目都是我女朋友或者其父母的名字,以上东西可以提供,不过跟我没关系)
(2)Original or certified true copies of joint or individual assets such as major household furniture, appliances, computers, cars etc.(这个同上,跟我相关的好像就是一台车了)
(3)Original or certified true copies of joint or individual wills or insurance policies for you and your partner(我们两都没有)
(4)Original or certified true copies of joint bank statements(这个是不是要去银行打了盖章才行?自己从internet bank打印出来不行吧?)
(5)Original or certified true copy of your Residential Agreement(这个同第一条,没有租过房子)
(6)Detailed chronology regarding how you met, when, and how the relationship progressed etc.(之前写了cover letter 解释我们怎么认识的,一步一步,所以现在要再写一遍吗?或者说要更具体?)
(7)Please specify what are your immediate and future plans are as a couple?(这个在cover letter 里也写过了。对字数有什么要求吗?)