表格则要交上Partnership-Based Temporary Visa Application (INZ 1198), 和Form for Partners Supporting Partnership-Based Temporary Entry Applications (INZ 1146)
如果儿子是20岁以下的, 你可以给他办旅遊签, 或是学生签
不论是旅遊签, 或是学生签都要看你的收入: 至少每年NZ$35,294.60 Student visas: Dependent children of Essential Skill work visa holders
The minimum income threshold is NZ$35,294.60 gross per annum and must be met and maintained wholly by the salary or wages of a parent or parents holding an Essential Skills work visa.
Visitor visas: Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders
The minimum income threshold is NZ$35,294.60 gross per annum.
表格是Student Visa Application (INZ 1012).作者: qiuzi 时间: 2015-2-28 01:16:54