对于专业来说,申请投行类工作BCom(finance/accounting)+BLaw是公认最完美的组合,而对于战略咨询,BCom(any major)/BEng,也是很受HR欢迎的。那如果你说我不是上面专业的呢?不要灰心,任何事情都是有可能的,我身边就有一位朋友,读Med,都读了五年突然决定不想当医生,最后也成功进入了投行。只要你够努力,任何事情皆有可能。如果你是读三年的single major,那么很不幸的告诉你,在我认识的小伙伴们当中,没有人能成功进入以上行业的。我觉得主要原因是因为三年时间实在太短,很难做到我上面所提及到的四点。不过如果有一天你做到了,Please let me know :-)
在我开始讲具体申请流程前,先简单叙述一下每个行业的基本行业校招情况,this can be a starting point for your reasearch:
There are generally three main types of roles offered at Investment Banks across Australia and New Zealand. 1) Corporate Advisory, these guys mainly help companies buy/sell businesses and raise capital. Usually they are split into three main divisions a) Mergers & Acquistion (这是在大家最常说的投行业务), as the name implies, they help companies buy and sell other companies, b) ECM (equity capital markets), they are heavily involved in company IPO process c) DCM (debt Capital markets) , they are involved in helping company issuing debt. 2) Sales and Trading, this division is involved in helping clients (usually funds), buy and sell securities on the secondary market. The sales team is more heavily involved in managing the relationships between the bank and clients while the trading division is involved in the execution of client orders (e.g. buy 3000 shares of Alibaba at $120.32)3) Equities Research, these guys are involved in writing reasearch papers for clients (e.g. we believe you should buy Alibaba because ...........).
In New Zealand, the top investment banks (in no particular order) are First New Zealand Capital, Goldman Sachs and Macquarie. Generally they hire 1-2 interns and maybe 1 graduate each year for their Mergers and Acquistions teams. Other notable investment banks include Deustche Craigs, UBS and Forsyth Barr which may also hire 1 to 2 interns each year. Generally they do not hire for ECM, DCM, Sales, Trading and Equities Reasearch for New Zealand based positions. In Australia, the top investment banks are Goldman Sachs, UBS and Macquarie. However, unlike New Zealand, the majority of global investment banks are present in Australia. Generally the Australian based Investment Banks hire more people and depending on the bank, they can hire up to 30+ interns and 4+ graduates (excluding intern conversions) across their different divisions at the larger banks. The majority of Australian Hires either go to Mergers and Acqusitions or Sales and Trading Roles. Salary at Investment Banks are very competitive and include a base component and a bonus component that can be very sigificant. A first year graduate can expect to earn easily 100k+ at a top firm. However working hours are brutal and working 100+ hours a week is not uncommon in Australia and New Zealand.
Management Consultants provide strategic advice to the operations of businesses. They deal directly with senior executives and provide the executives with solutions to their problems. E.g. How do we increase our profits? or how do we reduce costs? Work is project based and you will be working on the client site usually 4 days a week (you travel to client site between Monday and Thursday and work back at the home office on Friday). Each project can last a few weeks to a few months. Management Consulting firms is split into tiers, there are 3 top tier firms known as MBB (Mickensy, Bain and BCG), Second Tier Firms include: LEK, ATK, Oliver Wyman, PWC and Deliotte, and Third Tier firms are the rest. Divisions in Management Consulting firms are either split by Industry (e.g Mining, Manufacturing) or by function. Generally there are very limited New Zealand hires for these roles as many of the firms do not have home offices in New Zealand and the positions are all based in Sydney or Melbourne for Australian hires. There is also very little internship hires and usually they only hire at the graduate level. In Australia, the larger firms may hire 15+ graduates each year for each firm. Salary is also very competitive and includes a base salary and a bonus component (the bonus is usually smaller than investment banks) and you can expect to earn easily 80k+ at a top firm. Although less than banking, however the hours are also usually better. You also get other perks to compensate, such as bigger expense allowances, frequent flyer points, etc.
1) On/off campus recruitment events
2) CV 和 cover letter
3) Online Application
4) Online Testing
5) Pre interview networking
6) First Round Interviews
7) Second/Final Round Interviews
8) Offer letter and acceptance
2) CV最好及时保持更新,即便现在我不找工作,但我现在每过几个月,都会把自己的CV update一下。
保证在任何情况下,都能及时拿出最新的CV.关于CV的排版,对于投行和咨询行业来说,我个人最倾向于使用美式一页CV(如果你申请非投行和咨询行业,就不要用一页CV)。我当时的CV排版是按照 http://www.mergersandinquisition ... university-student/ 模板进行排版。咨询行业通用。在大家刚接触一页CV的时候,第一问题可能会是我现在的CV都三页,那么多东西,如何放在一页纸上?我的回答:如果你CV上面的东西没有Joyce Meng (Google search Joyce Meng resume)的还多,就别闹!。我个人觉得一份好的CV,必须和你要申请的职位结合好,所以在我每次申请不同的工作,我都会把我的CV进行微细的调整。主要调整部分是work experience部分,把完全不相关的工作经历,写得和所申请的工作很相关,但却又不脱离现实,这就是一种能力。这不是一两天就能做到的,而是需要反复修改。回看大学期间,从大一申请第一份工作开始,我的CV更新了不下50个版本。CV的另外一个重点,也是学生们容易忽略的,就是只在你的work experience里写你做了些什么,而不提及到你所做的结果是什么。在我读你们resume 的时候,I care more about what your results are rather than what you did! Give me hard numbers for any results you produced whenever possible. For example: "Optimized the company budgeting process, resulting in a 10% faster turnaround time" sounds alot better than "Used the excel VBA macro tool to write a custom code that connected with the existing company budgeting excel workbook"。最后一句,CV上不要放照片!这不是中国!
写完CV就该写cover letter. Cover letter 的写法很多,没有一个统一。每个HR对cover letter 的态度也不一样,有些HR觉得很重要,有些HR不太理会,只会花几秒时间阅读。对于这类工作来说,重点在于把你的故事讲清楚,为什么你是最适合这份工作的人。还记得之前我叫你们在networking event时候要把那些工作人员的名字记住吗?因为现在就派上用场了。“After speaking with Jonathan Wang at your firm's networking event the other day, I learnt that...XYZ......" 是HR们喜欢看到的话题,因为他体现了你对公司的热情和公司文化的了解。
5) Pre interview networking, 过了online application以后,你会收到电话或邮件,邀请你去参加pre interview networking/drinks session. 有些公司有这步骤,有些没有。这是一个好的机会可以让自己更深入的了解公司的员工,也能让员工更深入的了解你。在这个环节,我们主要想回答的问题是:"are you interesting enough that I want to spend 80 hours a week working with you?"。在这里要好好展现自己的人格魅力,别做一些奇奇怪怪的事情就ok。
7) 过了第一轮面试公司一般会以电话形式邀请你参见第二轮面试,如果面试的是非本地面试,公司会帮你安排机票和酒店。往往在第二轮面试前或者第二轮面试后,会有一个类似于5)的东西,道理一样 "are you interesting enough that I want to spend 80 hours a week working with you?"。有时候这些公司会很狡猾,两个公司把networking session搞在同一天,同一时间,逼你选择。我自己觉得最不伤人的方法是一个去一半,不过其他人不一定同意我这个观点。