1) 听说现在这玩意儿没用了。你让你爸在国内打听打听,看看到底还用不用。
2) My name is XXX (BOD: xx/xx/xxxx). I am a student in xxxxx. I invite my father (Name: xxx, BOD: xx/xx/xxxx) to visit me in April.作者: solomonpan 时间: 2015-2-25 08:24:28
To immigration officer,
My name is xxx, an international student at xxx.
I am writing on behalf of my parents xxx and xxx, as they are planning to visit me in New Zealand between xx and xx. We will spending most of the time in Auckland, at xx st, xx ,Auckland.
If you have any questions, pleasedont hesitate to contact me on mobile xxx or email xxx.