
标题: 请问房子是瓦顶,需要刷漆吗 [打印本页]

作者: vincent222    时间: 2015-1-27 16:46:47     标题: 请问房子是瓦顶,需要刷漆吗

作者: Summerwine    时间: 2015-1-27 21:14:34

作者: 糖果绿    时间: 2015-1-27 21:28:36

瓦顶分水泥瓦和铁瓦  铁瓦是需要保养刷漆的
作者: ilikeauckland    时间: 2015-1-27 22:44:33

作者: wbtc1983    时间: 2015-1-28 12:16:07

ilikeauckland 发表于 2015-1-27 21:44

yes, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
作者: ilikeauckland    时间: 2015-1-28 18:24:30

wbtc1983 发表于 2015-1-28 12:16
yes, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

why? would u pls tell me?
作者: clam    时间: 2015-1-28 19:40:26

Can spray clean it with chemical, much cheaper...
作者: 龙的天下    时间: 2015-1-28 22:24:08

作者: wbtc1983    时间: 2015-1-29 12:26:08

ilikeauckland 发表于 2015-1-28 17:24
why? would u pls tell me?

first of all, painting will apply a waterproof coating to the surface of the tile in an effort to keep rainwater off the tile.

secondly, which is most important, concrete tile will crack after exposed decades of weathering. so the painting will stop water from entering hairline cracks where it could freeze and potentially crack the tile or roof cement.

so after apply painting on the roof, first two years is fine, after that you'd better ask roof guy spay it every year with chemical to remove mould and dirt.

once you paint the roof, and you do maintaining regularly, it could last 15-20 years.
作者: kiaora    时间: 2015-1-29 13:32:46

Summerwine 发表于 2015-1-27 20:14
我原来也是听别人说不用油漆,但周围的邻居都差不多上漆了,也就跟着做了。(正请人做)。 ...

作者: songinator    时间: 2015-1-29 13:43:55

wbtc1983 发表于 2015-1-29 11:26
first of all, painting will apply a waterproof coating to the surface of the tile in an effort to  ...

哪个裂了换哪个吧  奥克兰freeze的几率不太高  喜欢concrete的颜色 不喜欢刷个红顶。。。。
作者: wbtc1983    时间: 2015-1-30 14:21:44

songinator 发表于 2015-1-29 12:43
哪个裂了换哪个吧  奥克兰freeze的几率不太高  喜欢concrete的颜色 不喜欢刷个红顶。。。。 ...

I think you can just apply clear coating only, but not sure how long it would last
作者: songinator    时间: 2015-1-30 14:32:32

wbtc1983 发表于 2015-1-30 13:21
I think you can just apply clear coating only, but not sure how long it would last

ok......... i'll see what the cracking rate is before i think about it.

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